问题 问答题




参考答案:作为陈光标的朋友,我会很开心有这么一位伟大的朋友,我会给他以下建议:  1、继续鼓励陈光标坚持做慈善,勇敢的坚持下去,我代表陈光标所有的朋友们对他表示支持,不要因为遇到一些质疑就退缩,我们是他坚强的后盾。  2、适当的低调一下,毕竟这是在中国,不是西方国家,国人整体上比较内敛,比如以后不要拍很多照片和钱在一起的照片,不要主动去宣传,如果有媒体主动关注那是媒体的事情。毕竟作为慈善的一个基本原则就是:不要让受助者知道捐赠者是谁。这虽然是西方社会捐赠的一个基本理念,意识就是帮助别人时不要让人觉得你是救世主,主要考虑他人的体会和尊严,但是也可以作为我们的参考,因为这样的话,受助者可能会有思想压力。类似的问题陈一铭老师都在安徽万学金路公务员课堂上多次讲到。  3、我要建议陈光标可以考虑和官方的慈善组织合作。比如福耀玻璃集团董事长曹德旺在为西南旱灾捐款时,对中国扶贫基金会提出了苛刻的要求:要在半年内将2亿元善款发放到近10万农户手中,且差错率不超过1%,管理费不超过善款的3%远低于“行规”的10%。类似的问题陈一铭老师都在安徽万学金路公务员课堂上多次讲到。  4、陈光标还可以考虑像李连杰那样,成立一个公益壹基金,专门来运作慈善事业。以后尽量更注重从长远的角度考虑帮助人,毕竟授人以鱼不如授人以渔,尽量少捐赠现金,多捐赠实物或者工具。


Some people in Manchester, Britain, will soon be paying for goods and services with so-called “smart” credit cards. These cards are more secure than the traditional magnetic-strip version and can be used to travel on buses, check bank accounts and do shopping.

The Manchester project is one of the biggest smart card schemes in the world. Every time people use the cards on a bus or train, the fare is deducted (reduced) from the value of the card. When they have no credit left, the cards can be recharged at a local shop.

A smart card looks just like a normal plastic card but it has a silicon chip in it. It is possible for the same silicon chip to perform a number of different functions, so one plastic card in your pocket could do a large number of different jobs. The card has much more memory space than a magnetic-strip card, so many more things can be recorded on it.There are two types of smart cards. One is the contact card which is used in the same way as a magnetic-strip card.

Information is transferred by running the card through a narrow opening in an electronic reader. In the slot, electronic probes make contact with the magnetic-strip or silicon ship and read the information. The other type is the contactless smart card where the electronic reader communicates with the card by short-range radio waves. This makes the card quicker and more convenient to use because it does not have to leave your wallet.  It is also more reliable as it is not easily influenced by scratches or dirt. However, the biggest advantage that smart cards have over magnetic-strip cards is that they are more secure. They are much more difficult to make than conventional cards and they have to be made by specially trained manufacturers. In addition, they have a large number of extra security features on them and if a smart card gets lost or stolen a quick phone-call to the distributor ensures that its individual number is made invalid and unreadable. This can be done more quickly than with a magnetic-strip card.

小题1:A smart credit card can do many kinds of jobs because ____ .

A.it is smart

B.it is a plastic card

C.it has a silicon chip in it

D.it can be recharged小题2:“ The cards can be recharged” means that ____ .

A.the card can be put into a new charge of electricity

B.the cards can be changed into new ones

C.the cards can be put to use again

D.the cards can be recycled小题3:What are the advantages of smart credit cards over traditional ones?

A.they can store more information

B.they are more secure

C.they are more convenient to use

D.all of the above小题4:Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Contactless cards are more convenient to use than contact ones

B.Smart cards are more expensive to manufacturer

C.By means of long-range radio waves contactless cards can communicate with the electronic reader

D.A smart credit card and a normal plastic card are the same thing
