问题 多项选择题

(五) 某建设单位建设一热电厂。该单位委托甲工程监理公司对工程进行监理,委托乙施工单位作为项目的施工总承包单位,并决定向美国丙重型设备制造商订购发电设备。 甲监理公司的总监理工程师在主持编制监理规划时,安排了一位专业监理工程师负责风险分析和相应监理规划内容的编写工作。根据该项目的具体情况,监理工程师对建设单位的风险事件提出了相应的风险对策,并制定了相应风险控制措施,见下表。

乙施工单位投保了建筑工程保险和附加第三者责任险。在施工过程中;对材料进行分隔存放。 建设单位向丙公司预定产品。订货合同规定了设备类型和数量,并规定了以美元作为支付货币,建设单位支付10%的定金。生产时间通常是4个月至9个月建设单位担心人民币兑美元可能贬值;决定对风险套期保值,有效地使人民币的美元价值固定,从而使设备合同的美元价值固定。







参考答案:A, B, C



     Jackie Joyner-Kersee had a serious asthma attack while running a race at the 1994 U. S. Olympic Festival.

     "I wasn't afraid of running; I was afraid I might die," said Joyner-Kersee. "I said 'Don't be afraid. . . just

hold on."

     So, what is asthma? It's a health condition that causes difficulty in breathing. Although it comes and goes,

once you have asthma, you have it for a long time. Different treatments are used for asthma. There are very

strong drugs that can be taken for a long time with few side effects. Today, even people with serious asthma

can take part in sports.

     Joyner-Kersee has had problems with asthma for many years. She said, "I didn't have this as a little girl.

It wasn't until I went to California that I noticed it, and then I didn't want to accept it. When I start feeling

good, I stop taking the medicine. It will be all right. . . . I hope. "

     The race was supposed to start at.5:35 p. m. At 5:00, she began to have trouble breathing. She was

given a breathing test and treatment by a doctor. She said she thought about not running. She was out of


     "It's just hard running with asthma," she said. "When I experienced this in practice. I couldn't breathe.

It was really hard for me. " She said the problem with asthma is that you don't know when it will happen.

She was fine when she arrived at the stadium. The breathing treatment helped her. Joyner-Kersee's experience

shows that medical treatment is important. First, if you think you have asthma, see a doctor. Asthma drugs

can protect your lungs. Second, pay attention to your health. Tell your doctor immediately if you wake up and

have trouble breathing. This means the condition is getting worse. Many people don't want to be known to

have asthma, and then they must go to the hospital.

     Most importantly, remember that with asthma, you can have a normal life. You can even win an Olympic

gold medal.

1. Did Jackie Joyner-Kersee run at the 1994 U. S. Olympic Festival? 


2. What is asthma? 


3. When did Joyner-Kersee first find she had asthma?


4. How can you tell your asthma is getting worse?


5. What do you think is the writer's purpose of writing the passage? 


单项选择题 A1/A2型题