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试题四 论控制系统的可视化技术以图形的方式观察和认识事物,是人类最便捷的认知方式之一。控制系统的可视化技术,使得操控人员以更加易于理解的形式掌握被控对象和过程的状态,为操作与决策提供方便。但是,可视化的设计涉及许多相关技术,程序设计复杂,有时甚至比设计控制系统本身的工作量还大。请围绕“控制系统的可视化”论题,依次对以下三个方面进行论述。1. 概要叙述你参与分析和开发的应用项目以及你所担任的主要工作。2. 论述你在控制系统可视化的设计中所涉及的基本概念和采用的技术、方法,详细叙述实现过程中所遇到的问题以及解决办法。3. 分析与评估可视化技术对改善系统操控性能的效果,并讨论可视化技术的发展趋势与前景。


参考答案:写作要点 1)要求详细叙述控制系统可视化的形式和实际意义,讨论可视化系统设计和实现时所遇到的主要困难。 2)分析各种可视化系统的共性,讨论独立于控制系统的可视化平台的概念模型和基本要素,分析在控制系统与可视化平台之间传送的消息的基本形式。 3)针对在可视化平台上开发控制系统可视化部分的具体要求,详细分析对可视化系统开发工具的要求。


He was the baby with no name. Found and taken from the north Atlantic 6 days after the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, his tiny body so moved the rescue workers that they called him “our baby.” In their home port of Halifax, Nova Scotia, people collected money for a headstone in front of the baby's grave, carved with the words: “To the memory of an unknown child.” He has rested there ever since.

But history has a way of uncovering its secrets. On Nov. 5, this year, three members of a family from Finland arrived at Halifax and laid fresh flowers at the grave. “This is our baby,” says Magda Schleifer, 68, a banker. She grew up hearing stories about a great aunt named Maria Panula, 42, who had sailed on the Titanic for America to be reunited with her husband. According to the information Mrs. Schleifer had gathered, Maria gave up her seat on a lifeboat to search for her five children -- including a 13-month-old boy named Eino, from whom she had become separated during the final minutes of the crossing. "We thought they were all lost in the sea," says Schleifer.

Now, using the teeth and bone pieces taken from the baby's grave, scientists have compared the DNA from the unknown child with those collected from members of five families who lost relatives on the Titanic and never recovered the bodies. The result of the test points only to one possible person: young Eino. Now, the family sees no need for a new grave. "He belongs to the people of Halifax," says Schleifer. "They've taken care of him for 100 years."

小题1:The baby travelled on the Titanic with his_______.




D.relatives小题2:What is probably the boy's last name?




D.Panula.小题3:Some members of the family went to Halifax and put flowers at the child's grave on Nov. 5  _______.




D.2004小题4:Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word recover?




D.gather小题5:This text is mainly about how______________.

A.the unknown baby's body was taken from the north Atlantic

B.the unknown baby was buried in Halifax, Nova Scotia

C.people found out who the unknown baby was

D.people took care of the unknown baby for 100 years
