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甲乙两国在其交界处发现一处跨国界的油气田,两国谈判共同开发未果。当甲国在其境内对该油田独自进行开发时,乙国派军队进入甲国该地区,引发了两国间的大规模武装冲突。甲国是1949年日内瓦四个公约的缔约国,乙国不是。根据国际法的有关规则,下列判断何者为错误( )。







解析:和平解决国际争端是当代国际法的基本原则之一。从1899年和1907年的两次海牙和平会议,到1928年的《巴黎非战公约》都提出了和平解决国际争端的原则和方法。《联合国 * * 》明确规定"以和平方法且以正义及国际法之原则,调整或解决足以破坏和平之国际争端或情势"。1970年的《国际法原则宣言》也重申"以和平方法解决其国际争端避免危及国际和平、安全及正义之原则",规定"国际争端应根据国家主权平等之原则",规定"国际争端应根据国家主权平等之基础并依照自由选择方法之原则解决之。"可见,和平解决国际争端原则已成为国际社会广泛接受的解决国际争端所必须遵守的基本原则。本题中ABCD四项中的说法均与"和平解决国际争端"的原则相违背。另外,战争法是调整交战国之间,交战国与中立国和其他非交战国之间的关系以及规范战争中交战方行为的规则和制度的总体。战争法是国际法的一个独特而重要的部分,作为国际社会的一员,甲、乙两国均应遵守战争法规则。


I’ve always tried to tell Willianms
She fell in love with broadcasting
She has also attended a Coldplay concert
She hopes to become a television anchor(主播)
Williams had sent a few broadcasts(广播)she had done.
Williams, 15, is a student at Nation Ford High, South Carolina, 小题1:________. She is quickly making herself noticed.
Not long ago she got a call from Teen Kids News in New York, which is a weekly show. 小题2:__________for her school news program to the show. The producer contacted Williams, and asked if she would work for them.
“All I could say was, yes, yes, yes!” Williams said. “I didn’t even hesitate(犹豫).”
Williams said she became interested in broadcast journalism when she was in the sixth grade. One day she heard that forest fires were burning nearby. After P.E., she went out into the forest and reported on the fires. 小题3:__________. From then on she tried to do it as much as she could.
Williams had to face both good and bad comments from audiences (听众).
“Everyone has a different opinion and 小题4:__________that you can’t listen to it, ”said Lori Williams, a former Atlanta CNN producer. “If it’s what you love to do, it will be more important than everything else.”
Williams’ advice to other young broadcasters is to look for support from friends and family. “With every negative(消极的)comment, there’s five positive, and that’s how I think about it,” she said.
The first program Williams held was about an artist’s pumpkin patch. In the program she asked teenagers what they thought of the artist’s work.
“I was a little nervous. I was going through my lines thinking, ‘No pressure’,”Williams said.
小题5:_______and met Kathie Lee Gifford, an American TV host, singer, songwriter and actress. Gifford told Williams to continue doing what she loved because it would lead to big things.
“Getting advice from her was great,” Williams said.