问题 默写题


小题1:淇则有岸,   。(《诗经·氓》)

小题2:   ,何枝可依?(曹操《短歌行》)

小题3:  (3)天下云集响应,   。(贾谊《过秦论》)

小题4:长风破浪会有时,   。(李白《行路难(其一)》)

小题5:一去紫台连朔漠,   。(杜甫《咏怀古迹(其三》)

小题6:   ,西北望,射天狼。(苏轼《江城子·密州出猎》)

小题7:   ,怎敌他、晚来风急!(李清照《声声慢》)

小题8:香远益清,亭亭净植,   。(周敦颐《爱莲说》)










题目分析:注意重点字的写法。如:“隰”、“ 隰”、“ 赢”、“ 冢”、“ 亵”、通假字“景”等。



Dear mommy and daddy,

      I write this letter to you in hopes that you should consider your method of parenting me before I arrive.

I am a joyous child. I expect love and respect, order and discipline. When I arrive, I will seem very small to

you. Even though I don't look like an adult, please understand that I am a human being.

      Even though I will not speak words to you, I will know you with my heart. I will feel all your feelings,

absorb your thoughts. I will come to know you more than you may know yourself. Do not be misled (误导)

by my silence. I am open, growing and learning more rapidly than you can imagine.

      I will keep in heart all that I see, so please give me sweet music and language that tells me how much I

am loved. Give me silence to rest my ears. I will absorb all that I feel, so please wrap life in love.

      I am waiting patiently to be with you. I am so happy to have the opportunity to be alive. Maybe when

you see me you will remember how precious life is too!

                                                                                                                              Your joyous child

1. According to the letter, why did the child write this letter? [ ]

A. Because the child wanted to apologize to its parents.

B. Because the child wanted the parents to consider the method of being parents.

C. Because the child expressed the happiness of having such parents.

D. Because the child wanted to show how much it understood its parents.

2. According to the text, we can infer the "child" is in fact ______. [ ]

A. a lovely boy

B. a joyous child

C. an unborn baby

D. a lovely girl

3. The child in the text required all the following EXCEPT that ______.[ ]

A. it should be looked on as a human being

B. it would like to be loved by its parents

C. it wanted to be with the parents an soon as possible

D. it wanted a place full of beautiful music and love language

4. The letter is likely to be printed in the part of ______ in a magazine. [ ]

A. "Baby's world"

B. "Current news"

C. "Young parent center"

D. "Science and our life"