问题 完形填空
      School was over and I felt quite tired. I sat at the very   1   of the crowded bus because of my anxiety
to get home. Sitting there makes me   2   out like a shiny coin in a pile of dull pennies.
      Janie, the   3  , tries to break the uncomfortable atmosphere by striking the match of   4  . I tried to mind
my manners and   5   listen, but usually I am too busy thinking about my day. On this day,   6  , her
conversation was worth listening to.
      "My father's sick," she said to no one in   7  . I could see the anxiety and fear in her eyes. "What's wrong
with him?" I asked. With her eyes wet and her voice tight from   8   the tears, she answered, "Heart trouble."
Her eyes   9   as she continued. "I've already lost my mum, so I don't think I can stand losing him."
      I was  10 . My heart ached for her. And this reminded me of the great  11  that my own mother was
thrown into when her father died. I saw how hard it was, and  12  is, for her. I wouldn't like anyone to  13  
      Suddenly I realized Janie wasn't only a bus driver. That was  14  her job. She had a whole world of  15  
and concerns, too. I suddenly felt very selfish. I realized I had only thought of people as  16  as what their
purposes were in my life. I paid no attention to Janie  17  she was a bus driver. I had  18  her by her job and
brushed her off as unimportant.
      For all I know, I'm just another person in  19  else's world, and may not even be  20 . I should not have
been so selfish and self-centered. Everyone has places to go, people to see and appointment to keep.
Understanding people is an art.
( )1. A. front     
( )2. A. find       
( )3. A. doctor     
( )4. A. fire       
( )5. A. politely   
( )6. A. however   
( )7. A. surprise   
( )8. A. fighting   
( )9. A. opened     
( )10. A. recognized 
( )11. A. victory   
( )12. A. away       
( )13. A. pick up   
( )14. A. almost     
( )15. A. family     
( )16. A far         
( )17. A. while     
( )18. A. criticized 
( )19. A. everyone   
( )20. A. happy     
B. end      
B. take      
B. driver    
B. topic    
B. slightly  
B. therefore 
B. particular 
B. turning  
B. shone    
B. worried  
B. pain      
B. seldom    
B. work out  
B. nearly    
B. factory  
B. long      
B. because       
B. received  
B. anyone    
B. wise      
C. side      
C. think      
C. teacher      
C. conversation
C. carelessly    
C. instead  
C. silence      
C. clearing    
C. closed      
C. shocked  
C. respect    
C. still      
C. go though  
C. ever          
C. school    
C. much          
C. though    
C. considered  
C. someone    
C. useful      
D. middle         
D. stand            
D. assistant        
D. discussion     
D. partly            
D. otherwise      
D. purpose           
D. protecting      
D. lowered         
D. excited        
D. disappointment   
D. never            
D. get down         
D. just              
D. friend         
D. well              
D. until          
D. judged           
D. nobody           
D. important      

1-5 ADBCA  6-10 ABADC  11-15 BCCDA  16-20 ABDCD


案情:国有企业川南商业大楼于1998年拟定改制计划:将资产评估后作价150万元出售,其中105万元出售给管理层人员(共4人),45万元出售给其余45名职工,将企业改制为川南百货有限公司,注册资本150万元。该改制计划于同年12月经有关部门批准实施。原管理层人员宋某认购45万元,李某、王某、周某各认购20万元,其余职工各认购1万元。公司成立后,分别向各认购人签发了出资证明书。公司设立股东会、董事会、监事会,宋某任公司董事长兼总经理,李某、王某为公司董事,周某任监事会 * * 兼财务负责人。2001年,公司召开董事会,决定将注册资本增加为300万元,周某列席了董事会,并表示同意。会后,董事会下发文件称:本次增资计划经具有公司2/3以上表决权的股东表决通过,可以实施。同年4月,公司注册资本增加为300万元。增加部分的注册资本除少数职工认购了30万元外,其余120万元由宋某、周某、李某、王某平均认购,此次增资进行了工商登记。同年10月,王某与其妻蓝某协议离婚,蓝某要求王某补偿25万元。王某遂将其所持股权的50%根据协议抵偿给蓝某,董事会批准了该协议。2003年5月,川南公司因涉嫌偷税被立案侦查。侦查发现:除王某外,宋某、周某、李某在1998年改制时所获得的股权均是挪用原川南商业大楼的资金购买,且2001年公司增资时,宋某、周某、李某、王某四人均未实际出资,而是以公司新建办公楼评估后资产作为增资资本,并分别记于个人名下。同时查明,偷税事项未经过股东会讨论,而是董事会为了公司利益在征得周某同意后决定实施的。后法院判决该公司偷税罪成立,判处公司罚金140万元,宋某等亦分别被判处相应的刑罚。问题:

