问题 问答题

(四)  背景资料  某公司总承包某厂煤粉制备车间新增煤粉生产线的机电设备安装工程,新生产线与原生产线相距不到10m,要求扩建工程施工期间原生产线照常运行,工程内容包括一套球磨机及其配套的输送、喂料等辅机设备安装;电气及自动化仪表安装;一座煤粉仓及车间的非标管道制作及安装;煤粉仓及煤粉输送管道保温;无负荷调整试运转。  项目部组建后立即着手下列工作:  (1)根据工程内容安排各专业的施工顺序。  (2)根据本工程的特点分析紧急状态并制订应急预案。  (3)制订球磨机吊装方案。球磨机简体单重50t,安装高度1.2m,拟采用90t汽车吊吊装,在现场许可的合适工况条件下90t汽车吊吊装能力为52t。  (4)制订安装质量保证措施和质量标准,其中对关键设备球磨机的安装提出了详尽的要求:在垫铁安装方面,每组垫铁数量不得超过6块,平垫铁从下至上按厚薄顺序摆放,最厚的放在最下层,最薄的放在最顶层,安装找正完毕后,最顶层垫铁与设备底座点焊牢固以免移位。  (5)制订煤粉仓施工方案。考虑到煤粉仓整体体积大,安装位置标高20m,故组对成两段吊装,就位后进行上下段连接焊缝的内外焊接。内部焊接时考虑到仓内空间狭窄,无通风孔,故暂打开仓顶防爆孔作为透气孔,并采用36V安全行灯作为内部照明。  问题:



参考答案:(本小题4分)  考虑动载荷系数的计算载荷=50t×1.1=55t(2分),计算载荷55t大于吊车吊装能力52t(1分),故方案不可行(1分)。

     Father: For the last time, you cannot have your ears pierced. I don't want to talk about it   1  .   
     Son: But, Dad, all the other guys (哥们儿)…   
     Father: I don't care about"all the other guys." I don't care   2   they do or don't do. That's up to them
 and their   3   . I care about you. And you cannot have your ears pierced (make a hole in one's ear), and that's
  4  . The subject is closed. Now go do your homework.   
     Son:   But, Dad, I just want to have   5   ear pierced.   
     Father: That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of! Piercing just   6   ! That's crazy! People will
   7     you're crazy! I think you've lost your mind.   
     Son: It's not crazy. It's the style (风格), Dad. All the guys have just one ear pierced. That's the   8   it's
done. It's cool, Dad. Sometimes they have three or four holes in one ear ―   9    in just one ear. It looks
great! I want to be in style. I want to be like the other guys.   
     Father:  Stop here. Just   10   it ― and go do your homework. If you spent as much time thinking about
math as you do about earrings, you would be at the top of your class.
( )1. A. at all
( )2. A. what 
( )3. A. friends
( )4. A. you  
( )5. A. an  
( )6. A. one ear
( )7. A. speak 
( )8. A. way  
( )9. A. and  
( )10. A. do  
B. much further 
B. which        
B. teachers  
B. them    
B. one        
B. one hole  
B. talk    
B. road    
B. but        
B. remember  
C. any more 
C. how      
C. families 
C. him    
C. the     
C. two ears 
C. say    
C. style    
C. or      
C. forget 
D. too much      
D. why              
D. parents        
D. it           
D. my              
D. two holes     
D. tell          
D. kind          
D. so             
D. leave                         