问题 填空题


① 3FeS2+8O2→Fe3O4+6SO2        ② 4FeS2+11O2→2Fe2O3+8SO2   


⑵480 g纯净的FeS2在氧气中完全反应,若所得固体中,Fe和O的物质的量之比

n(Fe)∶n(O)=4∶a,此时消耗氧气b mol。

①试写出b与a的关系式:_______ ______。

② b的最大值为    ____,最小值为_______  ____。



设生成8 L SO2,则原氧气为11×1.2=13.2(L),反应后混合气体积为10.2 L。


(2)①b=0.5a+8(3分)   ②b=11(3分),b=10.7    即:32/3(3分)

(1)根据方程式② 4FeS2+11O2→2Fe2O3+8SO2分析可知,每11mol氧气与FeS2反应生成8mol二氧化硫气体,所以,令氧气的物质的量为,当与4molFeS2反应生成8mol二氧化硫气体时,余下氧气20%,所以可求得炉气中SO2的体积分数

(2)480 g纯净的FeS2的物质的量为4mol;令Fe3O4的物质的量为x,Fe2O3的物质的量为y,则由化学反应方程式可得:

① 3FeS2+8O2→Fe3O4+6SO2

3x     8x    x

② 4FeS2+11O2→2Fe2O3+8SO2

2y     5.5y   y





         Summer came and the weather got hotter. Few people could go to sleep at night. They felt tired in the

daytime. They hoped to swim in the water or find a cool place. But there was no river around the town. They

had to go to the mountains. There was a large lake and it was cool there. They could have a good sleep there

or swim in the lake.

        It was Saturday. A lot of people went there for their weekend. They enjoyed themselves in the villages

and swam in the cool water. The next afternoon they had to return to their town. Bad luck! The last train came

to the station at five to six. It was fifty minutes late. There were many people on the platform (站台). They

were anxious (渴望的) to get on the train. As soon as it stopped, they tried to get on.

        The driver felt terrible at that moment. He had to take some medicine, but he couldn't find any water in

the train and had to get off. It was time to start. The train was filled to capacity (挤满). Only the driver was

still standing on the platform. There was no room for him in the train!

( ) 1. The people felt tired in the daytime because they couldn't sleep in the hot weather.

(     ) 2. People went to the mountains to have a good rest.

(     ) 3. They had to go to work on Monday, so people were anxious to get on the train.

(     ) 4. The train usually arrived at the station at a quarter past five.

( ) 5. The driver stood on the platform because he didn't take the medicine.
