问题 单项选择题

You are part of a team that is working to develop a medical implant that would accentuate the biceps of middle-aged men. Numerous articles in prestigious medical journals have discussed this controversial product. Your project manager, a medical doctor by training, is an expert in medical implantation devices and many journal articles have mentioned him by name. Although his knowledge of the subject is vast, he continually seeks opinions from the team about a wide variety of project and product issues. Team members often run project meetings while he sits silently at the head of the table. His most likely I response to a question is “What do you think we should do” Which one of the following best characterizes his leadership style


B.Team directe


D.Shared leadershi



解析: 你是一个项目的小组成员,该项目开发一种医疗植入产品,帮助增强中年人的肌肉力量。一些重要的医学杂志已经针对这种有争议的产品发表了不少文章。你 的项目经理是一个医学专家,对医疗植入设备很有研究,许多杂志文章提到过他的名字。虽然他在这个课题上知识丰富,但他还是不断从小组成员那里征求大量关于项目和产品问题的意见。项目小组成员经常开会讨论,而他静静地坐在会议桌旁倾听。他对问题的最常见的回答是: “你的看法呢?”对他的领导风格最好的描述是: A) 自由主义的。 B) 以小组成员为主导的。 C) 合作的。 D) 领导职责分担的。 shared leadership,又名共同领导。企业通常会使用两种方法:高阶主管聚焦及共同领导。高阶主管聚焦是传统的方法,即从员工中找出一群潜力高、具备管理能力的员工,让这群员工在企业内不同部门快速轮调积累经验,再从中挑选出几位担任高阶主管,最终再挑出企业CEO。许多大型企业如IBM、CE与百事可乐等,都是运用这种方式。然而,高阶主管聚焦并不适合所有企业,特别是期望建立良性循环的企业。这种企业的做法往往是在各个不同层级发展领导人,并公开企业策略,让所有员工了解企业的任务与方向,也让每个员工都有出头的机会。宝洁公司CEO雷富礼(A. G. Lfley)指出,这种方式会让员工对企业比较有拥有感。

单项选择题 A1/A2型题