A project team has been arguing for days about the correct way to complete a high level design. This has caused the SPI to fail to 0.89 and has a CPI of 0.9. If the project manager tees the team “we will schedule this discussion for our team meeting next week”. The project manager is ______ .
A.using earned value
C.increase costs even further
解析: 项目组已经花了好多天来讨论概要设计的正确方法。这使得SPI已经降到0.89,CPI为0.9。如果项目经理这时候告诉项目组成员“我们将在下周的项目会议上解决这个问题”,项目经理使用了 ______ 的方法。 A) 挣值 B) 折中 C) 进一步提高成本 D)撤退 下周再解决问题,等于表明现在不采取措施,静观其变。采取了撤退的方式解决问题。