问题 综合题


材料一 恩格斯说:“新生的工业能够这样成长起来,只是因为它用机器代替了手工工具,用工厂代替了作坊,从而把中等阶级的劳动分子变成了工人无产者,把从前的大商人变成了工厂主,它排挤了小资产阶级,并把居民间的一切差别化为工人和资本家之间的对立。”

材料二 马克思在《 * * 党宣言》中指出:“ 资产阶级由于一切生产工具的迅速改进,由于交通的极其便利,把一切民族甚至最野蛮的民族也卷进文明中来了,它的商品的低廉价格,是它用来摧毁一切万里长城、征服野蛮人最顽强抵抗的仇外心理的重炮。这它迫使一切民族——如果它们不想灭亡的话——采用资产阶级的生产方式……它按照自己的面貌为自己创造出一个世界。”













Help or Not

Dear editor,

During last year's winter holiday, I went shopping with my grandmother. We saw several beggars. Some of them were disabled, which made me feel sad. Among them were old people, young people and even children! When I wanted to help them, my grandmother stopped me. She told me they were not worth showing mercy to because some beggars cheated people out of their money. Should I help them?


Mary from Guangzhou

Dear Mary,

While I understand your grandmother’s point of view, I think that just because some beggars have cheated people, this doesn’t mean you should never help any beggars.

Showing mercy to people who are not as fortunate as us is one of the kindest things we can do. While some beggars may use dishonest means to get money, most beggars will not. Even those who use dishonest means are probably hungry for food and feel they have no choice but to cheat people. It is important to be careful for your own safety. But if you want to help, you don’t necessarily have to give it to beggars in the street.

Another way you can help is by donating money to the China Charity Federation. Visit its website at: www. china charity. cn.net.

18.From the grandmother’s point of view, we can learn that ________.

A. she has never helped the beggars.    

B. she believes not all beggars are honest

C. she has surely been cheated by some beggars  

D. she shows no pity for the poor

19. Mary felt sad for _______.

A. her grandmother                                                 B. the disabled beggars 

C. the old people                                              D. herself

20. The editor suggests that Mary should _______.

A. have her own mind                                      B. follow her grandmother

C. do something for those unfortunate                D. help the China Charity Federation

21. The underlined word “donating” probably means _______.

A. give out of kindness                                     B. put into a business

C. earn through an organization                         D. give in return for some kindness