According to the speaker, even America is suffering from economic depression, the American economy will soon be recovered if Americans can solve the problem of unemployment and control oil prices.
解析:[听力原文] The economic slump is the biggest problem facing Americans today. Despite all the talks about deficit spending, oil prices, unemployment, and the impending depression, Americans continue to spend large sums of money on goods which are frivolous and damaging to the country.
[分析]: 语义的理解和判断。 本题要求理解和判断美国的经济状况。根据原文,当今美国面临的最大问题是经济疲软。虽然美国人透支消费,油价,失业和迫在眉睫的大萧条津津乐道,但他们仍然继续花大价钱买那些华而不实的商品,损害了国家的经济发展。显然,题干中说美国is suffering from economic depression“美国正在遭受经济危机”和American economy will soon be recovered“美国经济将很快恢复”的说法与原文不符,因此是错误的。[解题关键] 1)中心句和支持性细节的关系。材料中第一句是中心句,概括了当今美国面临的最大问题是经济疲软。后面的内容具体说明了这一点。2)根据原文中词汇的色彩,可作出正确推断。如原文中自始至终使用了带有贬义色彩的词,如:slump, deficit,unemployment,depression,frivolous,damaging等,由此可判断,美国的经济不会在短期内recover“恢复”。