问题 多项选择题

中国某企业计划从加拿大引进一套鲑鱼育种技术,在与外商签订技术引进合同时,外商提出要在合同中订人以下条款,请问以下条款哪些是合法的( )







解析:[考点] 技术合同无效条款的情形 {合同法》第323条规定,订立技术合同,应当有利于科学技术的进步,加速科学技术成果的转化、应用和推广。第329条规定,非法垄断技术、妨碍技术进步或者侵害他人技术成果的技术合同无效。(技术合同解释》第10条规定,下列情形,属于合同法第三百二十九条所称的“非法垄断技术、妨碍技术进步”:(一)限制当事人一方在合同标的技术基础上进行新的研究开发或者限制其使用所改进的技术,或者双方交换改进技术的条件不对等,包括要求一方将其自行改进的技术无偿提供给对方、非互惠性转让给对方、无偿独占或者共享该改进技术的知识产权; (二)限制当事人一方从其他来源获得与技术提供方类似技术或者与其竞争的技术; (三)阻碍当事人一方根据市场需求,按照合理方式充分实施合同标的技术,包括明显不合理地限制技术接受方实施合同标的技术生产产品或者提供服务的数量、品种、价格、销售渠道和出口市场;(四)要求技术接受方接受井非实施技术必不可少的附带条件,包括购买非必需的技术、原材料、产品、设备、服务以及接收非必需的人员等; (五)不合理地限制技术接受方购买原材料、零部件、产品或者设备等的渠道或者来源; (六)禁止技术接受方对合同标的技术知识产权的有效性提出异议或者对提出异议附加条件。



I have recently been diagnosed with an addiction-to coffee. And I am not alone. This is a problem among Americans of all ages. The coffee shop has become a social feature in our culture. Its appealing smell, cozy and inviting atmosphere are difficult to resist, especially if you struggle with an addiction like alcohol.

But, when you look past the leather couches and coffees named after European cities, all you'll find is coffee, milk, and a little sugar. Anyone can buy a Coffeemaker and a container of Coffee Mate and try to create the same drink as a coffee shop does. The only difference between your homemade coffee and coffee shops is that they put it in a cute cup and throw on some whipped (泡沫状的) cream to convince us that we are treating ourselves to a worthy relief from the fast pace of everyday life. And we believe them, silly for the idea that drinking their coffee improves our quality of life.

So, next time this "white chocolate" begins echoing in your mind, you'll have to make a decision: Will you continue to be one of the millions of brainwashed Americans who live for their next trip to a coffee shop, or will you just walk away and ignore it? My advice is -- dare to resist and just say no.

61. The major features of a coffee shop are the following EXCEPT its _______.

A. attractive smell                                      B. comfortable surrounding

C. pleasant atmosphere                                D. alcohol-like addiction

62. The coffee from coffee shops differs from homemade coffee mainly because it _______.

A. is mixed with whipped cream                B. is usually served in a cute cup

C. offers a feeling of precious relief               D. can improve the quality of life

63. "White chocolate" in the last paragraph probably means _______.

A. coffee with cream                             B. chocolate with coffee

C. brainwashed Americans                      D. addiction to shop coffee

64. The author's attitude towards "white chocolate" is _______.

A. positive             B. uncaring          C. negative             D. optimistic
