问题 问答题


(1) 并购前,甲公司与相关公司之间的关系如下:




(2) 与并购交易相关的资料如下:






(3) 自甲公司取得C公司60%股权起到20×8年12月31日期间,C公司利润表中实现净利润1300万元;除实现净损益外,C公司未发生其他所有者权益项目的变动。



(4) 20×9年6月30日,甲公司个别资产负债表中股东权益项目构成为:股本8000万元,资本公积12000万元,盈余公积3000万元,未分配利润5200万元。






借:长期股权投资 7920

累计摊销 600

贷:无形资产 2000

股本 800

资本公积——股本溢价 3360

营业外收入——处置非流动资产利得 2360



     Monkeys are very similar to us in many ways. We enjoy watching them because they often act like

us. In fact, scientists say monkeys and humans share a common ancestor.

     Monkeys make us smile, too, because they are creatures full of playful tricks. This is why many

monkey expressions are about tricky people or playful acts. One of these expressions is monkeyshines,

meaning tricks or foolish acts. So, when a teacher says to a group of students: "Stop those monkeyshines

right now!", you know that the kids are playing, instead of studying.

     You might hear that same teacher warn a student not to monkey around with a valuable piece of

equipment. You monkey around with something when you are touching or playing with something you

should leave alone. Also, you can monkey around when you feel like doing something, but have no firm

idea of what to do.

     Monkey business usually means secret, maybe illegal, activities. A news report may say there is

monkey business involved in building the new airport, with some officials getting secret payments from


     You may make a monkey out of someone when you make that person look foolish. Some people

make a monkey out of themselves by acting foolish or silly.

     If one monkey has fun, imagine how much fun a barrel of monkeys can have. If your friend says he

had more fun than a barrel of monkeys at your party, you know that he had a really good time.

     Monkey suits are common names for clothes or uniforms soldiers wear. In earlier years, performing

monkeys' tight-fitting, colorful jacket looked similar to a militaryuniform. So, people began to call a

military uniform a monkey suit.

1. Which of the following can best state the main idea of the passage?

A. Monkeys are connected with our life.

B. Due respect should be paid to monkeys.  

C. Some English expressions about monkey.

D. Monkeys share a common ancestor with us.

2. How many expressions about monkey are introduced in the passage?

A. 5.

B. 6.

C. 7.

D. 8.  

3. The expression "monkeyshine" has the closest meaning to _______.

A. mischief

B. laziness

C. making noise


4. If you drew a funny picture on your friend's face while he was sleeping, you were ______.

A. monkeying around

B. doing money business

C. enjoying a barrel of monkeys

D. making a monkey out of him
