Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) is a (2) document messaging standard in the Internet enviroment, with MIME, users can send (3) Email messages that include audio, video, graph-ices, and text to any other user of a TCP/IP network. Richtext information can also be (4) into messages. It defines the fonts, formats, and (5) features of a document so the document can be easily (6) on many different types of systems.
A) restoredB) redisplayedC) stored D) executed
解析: MIME是一种在Internet环境下混合式的文档消息传递标准,使用MIME,用户能够向TCP/IP网络中的任何使用者发送多媒体的E-mail消息,包括视频、音频、图片和文本,其中还有丰富的文本消息,它定义了文档的字型、格式和版面特征,因此,这种文档可以很容易的在多种操作系统中解码。