问题 问答题





解析:发生火警应该做到: 1)了解和确认起火位置、范围和程度。 2)向公安消防机关报警。 3)清理通道,准备迎接消防车入场。 4)立即组织现场人员疏散。在不危及人身安全的情况下抢救物资。 5)组织义务消防队。在保证安全的前提下接近火场,用适当的消防器材控制火势。 6)及时封锁现场,直到有关方面到达为止。


Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the


                                                                My First Long Run

     Two weeks ago, I had a quarrel with my husband. After he had driven off in anger, I realized that I wasn't

going to feel any better just sitting there. Feeling abandoned and guilty, I put on my gym shoes to get some

fresh air.

     Our driveway has a slope (斜坡) that is easier just to jog down if you are lazy, taking advantage of gravity.

Instead of stopping at the end of the lope, I decided to see if I could just jog to the end of the street. I had tried

a few moths ago and failed miserably. Since that first attempt I had been jogging regularly and was significantly

fitter, but still very lazy. However this time around I managed to reach the stop sign with ease and I figured I

would go a little further.

     After about one kilometer, however, I noticed that my upper body was tense. To make the movement easier

I had to relax my body, and tried to take deep breaths of fresh air.

     I kept giving myself the excuse to stop. No one would be disappointed. No one would even know. But I

didn't stop. I wanted to keep going harder, better, faster, stronger. To my great surprise, I ran 4.9 km in 31

minutes. When I got back, I had tears in my eyes. I did some thing I thought I could never do.

     It was the first run of my life. Since then, I have improved my stride (步幅) and time. After every run I feel

fitter, happier and motivated to keep progressing. I love the runner's high. I normally jog because I want to look

good. I want to run because it makes me feel good.

1. Why did the author feel guilty? (NO more than 9 words) (2 marks)


2. What did the author fail to do miserably a few months ago? (NO more than 11 words) (2 marks) 


3. What excuses did the author keep giving herself to stop? (NO more than 9 words) (3 marks)


4. How is running different from jogging to the author? (NO more than 14words) (3 marks) 
