问题 问答题

Az is an international metals broker with clients all round the world.In January he entered into three contracts:(a) the first, to supply Brad with 1,000 tonnes of aluminium;(b) the second, to supply Chad with 1,000 tonnes of copper;(c) the third, to supply Dan with 1,000 tonnes of tin.Although Az had immediate access to the metals from his extensive reserves, delivery on all three contracts was to take place on 1 May. However, as he wanted to reduce his exposure to such a large inventory of metals Az decided to supply the metals to the three other parties earlier than the contract date; 1 March rather than 1 May.Because Az’s inventory of aluminium was only 1,000 tonnes that is what he sent to Brad.However, as he had larger inventory of copper and tin, he decided to send an additional 500 tonnes to both Chad and Dan, over and above their agreed amounts.At the end of February, after Az had despatched the metals, the international metals market suffered a severe upheaval, with the price of copper falling by 50% and the price of tin increasing by the same percentage. The price of aluminium remained constant.Required:Advise Brad, Chad and Dan as to their rights under the UN Convention for the International Sale of Goods. (10 marks)


