问题 完形填空
     My mom passed away on April 22, 1991. I was the last person she had spoken with. I didn't have a great
life, but I had what I   1   so I was very angry with my mother. She had a car accident in 1989, which took
her   2  . I would not go to see my mother die. I could not feel bad,   3   could I feel any pleasure. Thank God,
she   4   through the night, because I would never fogive myself for not seeing her, if she had died. My mom
suffered   5   anyone I have ever heard. She broke 7 ribs (肋骨), broke   6   legs, ankles and knees.
     She lived, thank God. The doctors said that she would not be able to   7   as an "able" person. My mom
blew these people out of the water! I was there when she died April 22, 1991. She walked, talked, and did   8  ,
besides, she added in being the "Mom" I always   9   for.
     However, finally she  10  on April 22, and I was home.
     My mom told me many things on the Saturday, before she died. I told her about all of my pain, just  11  she
was actually listening to me! Needless to say,my mom is a woman with so much  12 . I learned this too late. It
was at that time that I  13  that my mother devoted all her  14  and care to me.
     She came to me in a  15  one week after her death. I did not  16  at the funeral. I had to be  17 , like my mom
was. All I wanted to do is to  18  my mom. I had the most  19  dream of my life. My mom came to me, and she
looked so pretty, and healthy! I asked her why she was "here" (in my dream), and she  20  the last "hug". I
hugged her so hard in my dream that I asked her, "Did I hurt you?" And she said, "I don't hurt anymore."

( )1. A. had            
( )2. A. happiness  
( )3. A. and         
( )4. A. got         
( )5. A. more than   
( )6. A. neither     
( )7. A. run         
( )8. A. nothing     
( )9. A. hoped        
( )10. A. passed by   
( )11. A. as             
( )12. A. fun      
( )13. A. realized    
( )14. A. pride       
( )15. A. dream       
( )16. A. mourn       
( )17. A. rich        
( )18. A. see         
( )19. A. terrible    
( )20. A. explained 

B. did             
B. fortune    
B. so            
B. survived      
B. rather than     
B. both         
B. talk          
B. something    
B. waited       
B. passed away     
B. when             
B. money        
B. recalled    
B. love         
B. imagination   
B. glance        
B. strong       
B. greet            
B. interesting  
B. mentioned   
C. was            
C. chance      
C. nor           
C. carried         
C. less than  
C. either        
C. break       
C. everything    
C. looked        
C. passed off   
C. since         
C. pain          
C. recognized     
C. worries       
C. memory        
C. blame         
C. insistent     
C. hug           
C. beautiful   
 C. told        
D. have                  
D. life          
D. either             
D. passed              
D. other than   
D. each             
D. walk               
D. none            
D. sought                
D. passed on                   
D. because          
D. dream                
D. recovered       
D. anxiety        
D. reality          
D. cry                  
D. careful        
D. help               
D. forgetful     
D. answered       

1-5: A D C B A  6-10: B D C A B  11-15: D C A B A  16-20: D B C C B







界画讲究的是严谨工丽、端庄雍容、准确、细致。画面处理上运用了动静结合、粗细相兼、方圆对应等对比绘法。界画以画建筑物见长,并以工笔技法配合,是中国画的一个独立门类。北魏时期,洛阳地区盛极一时的宗教建筑,成为界画的主要题材。数万间佛寺落墨于数万计的图本,可谓是“雕梁粉壁,青缫绮疏,难得尽言。”但是,界画也有其自身的弱点,由于过分精细,画者不仅要具有极深的绘画功底,同时还需耗费大量的时间和精力,不少文人画家为了挥洒自如,纵情于一时灵感,不太愿意把精力花费在界画创作上,久而久之,人们视界画为工匠们所为,而不屑一顾。这种艺术上的偏见一直延续至今。因此,自从18世纪初以来的约300年间,中国画坛上仅仅出现过3位有建树的界画家:清代的袁江、袁耀和1979年去世的江西画家黄秋园。在 18世纪下半叶、整个19世纪和20世纪初期的将近200年时间里,界画艺术领域是一片荒凉的废墟。然而,在元代出现了一个有趣的现象。元代有几位画家因向皇宫献界画而被重用,甚或升官。其中最著名者为何澄、王振鹏。何澄曾向皇帝进献界画佳作《姑苏台》、《阿房宫》、《昆明池》,得到皇帝器重,官至昭文馆大学士,中奉大夫。王振鹏很得元仁宗赏识,献上《大明宫图》,竭力迎合,仁宗赐他在秘书监任职。在献画风气的影响下,不少文人画家从事界画,即使非专职,亦兼而能之。


小题1:关于“界画”的理解,不符合原文意思的一项是(3分)     (      )




D.“界画”主要运用对比绘法处理画面,如动静结合、粗细相兼、方圆对应。小题2:下面不属于界画日渐没落原因的一项是(3分)( )




D.大多数文人画家为了纵情于一时灵感,不愿意把精力花费在界画创作上。小题3:下列表述,符合原文意思的一项是(3分)( )



