问题 完形填空



She loves singing and ________ a _________ _________ dancing.

2. 既然你已经知道了他住在哪儿,为什么不去找他呢?

________ ________ you have known where he lives, why not go and find him?

3. 尽管山很高,他们还是成功登上山顶。

Although the mountain was very high, they __________ ________ climb up to the top.

4. 史密斯太太昨晚生了个儿子。

Mrs. Smith ________ ________ ________ a son last night.

5. 与其说这颜色是蓝色,不如说它是绿色。

The colour seems green ________ ________ blue.

6. 我昨天偶然遇见一位老朋友并和他聊了一会儿。

Yesterday I ________ ________ an old friend and talked with him for a while.

7. 直到战争结束他才在纽约定居了下来。

Only when the war was over ________ ________ _________ __________ in New York.

8. 我看见她匆忙走开,但我并没有跟她讲话。

I _________ _________ of her hurrying away but I didn't try to speak to her.


1.has ; gift / talent for     2.now that    3.managed  to    4.gave birth to    5.rather than    6.came across    7.did he settle  down     8.caught  sight  
