问题 阅读理解


    Dick's grandmother is very rich. She has many shops. The old woman begins to learn drawing when

she is sixty years old. And she loves it very much. She draws a lot of pictures for twelve years.

    One day, the old woman is ill. She stays in hospital. Before she dies(死), she says to Dick, "I want to

give my pictures to a school. Then the students will remember(记得) me . But I don't know which school I'll give them to. Can you help me?"

    "Well",says Dick, "You can give them to a blind (盲人) school!"

1. Dick's grandmother_______.

A. has a lot of money  

B. has a lot of schools  

C. is a painter  

D. is a teacher

2. Dick's grandmother likes _______ pictures.

A. buying     

B. selling    

C. drawing     

D. taking

3. How old is the old woman when she dies?

A. Sixty.            

B. Sixty-two  

C. Seventy    

D. Seventy-two

4. Why does the old woman give her pictures to a school? Because _______.

A. she loves children        

B. she loves school

C. she wants the students to remember her  

D. she doesn't like the pictures any more

5. Dick thinks the pictures are_______.

A. bad  

B. good      

C. beautiful    

D. cheap


1-5  A C D C A



       新华社南京11月13日电(记者  王经国)  历时51天、远航1.2万多海里的“远望”四号航天测量船,在圆满完成“神舟”五号载人飞船海上测控任务后,于13日返回中国航天远洋测量港口。“远望”四号航天测量船于9月24日从我国江南某码头启航,由长江口进入东海,经台湾海峡、巴乌尔海峡和巽他海峡进入印度洋。在执行“神舟”五号飞船的海上测控任务中,他们战风斗浪,克服重重困难,对“神舟”五号飞船太空飞行第5圈和第10圈可观测运行弧段进行了成功测控,圆满完成填补盲圈测控、天地数据和图像传输以及建立天地对话通道等任务。其间,测量船共发送指令56条,全部一次成功。中国航天员杨利伟在飞船飞行第7个圈次时展示中国国旗和联合国旗,并向全国各族人民、海内外同胞和世界人民问好的画面,就是通过“远望”四号船接收、解调并实时向北京传送的。



