The following two questions are based on the following passage:
An automaker is facing financial difficulties. The vice president of marketing has determined that the root of the company’s problems is low brand loyalty. The vice president proposes, therefore, that the company begin an aggressive advertising campaign focused on children aged from three to eight years. By securing p brand recognition with this demographic, he argues, the company will have an advantage when these customers reach an age when they can buy cars.
Which of the following, if true, provides the pest support for the vice president’s proposal ?()
A. Federal law prohibits the advertising of alcohol or tobacco on any medium for which the primary audience is under 21 years of age.
B. Children aged three to eight, even if they had the money to purchase a car, will not legally be able to drive one for several years.
C. The cost of advertising on children’s programs is comparable to the cost of advertising on adult special-interest programs.
D. Focus groups have consistently observed that the automaker’s brand is associated with "tradition" and "older" drivers.
E. Studies have shown that lifelong customers of certain products, such as particular brands of toothpaste or peanut butter, frequently credit their brand loyalty to exposure to the product at an early age.
Answer E gives reason to believe that the vice president’s proposal to aim car advertisements at children may result in greater brand loyalty when those children become car buyers. It is not a perfect analogy, because the products mentioned are consumer products that a child could experience directly, but E is the only one of the answers to support the logic of the argument.