问题 论述题

(23分)材料一 近几年来,国内外各种思想观点异彩纷呈,各类社会思潮激荡交锋。较有影响的各类思潮主要有:普世价值论、新自由主义思潮、创新马克思主义、道德相对主义、社会民主主义、文化保守主义、新国家干预主义、民族主义、民粹主义、公平正义论十大思潮。“小悦悦事件”、“跌倒老人不扶”刺痛着国人的道德神经;郭美美高调炫富、“官员微博门”屡屡引发民众对公平正义的渴求……种种事件背后的社会矛盾和利益冲突,引发了思潮的交融交锋,吸引了公众对事件本质的追问。

材料二 据相关部门推算,震惊全国的食品安全三鹿“毒奶粉”事件共需赔偿金39亿元,有22家涉案企业共同出资11亿多元,其中,9亿多元用于对患病婴幼儿当时治疗和赔偿的现金支出,2亿元则用于成立医疗赔偿基金。众多有涉乳制品安全的事件,有些是由官方标准过低引起,有些同地方监管部门谎报瞒报有关,而几乎每起事件发生后,涉事企业都未受到应有的惩处,三鹿的倒闭几年后的今天,国内乳制品丑闻频出,香港颁严苛奶粉限购令,很多人至今仍到香港和国外抢购奶粉。










小题1:. Parents need to watch the time their kids spend on computer or video games.

小题2:. The effect of playing computer or video games on a child is different but it is there.

小题3:. Computer or video games do affect children’s social development because they are not playing in reality.

小题4:. If you have heard of online gaming, then you know video games can affect social development in a good way.

A.For a lot of children, computers and video games are just an escape from reality, taking them away from real life for a while, replacing a stressful or boring environment with sights and sounds kids could only imagine before. They have the ability of entertaining people’s minds while drawing in the whole attention away from real life. So the result will be like this: whenever a child can’t handle problems in real life, he might just turn to computer games.

B.Reading Tom Sawyer or Harry Porter is as personal an act as playing an online game or even more personal than playing an online or two-player game. I’ve rarely seen two people happily reading ONE book together. But when kids play online games they need to work together and it encourages the development of social skills.

C.Many results can occur from playing video games, from feeling abandoned and becoming addicted to getting better in touch with what other students are doing. The question here is whether or not video games affect a child’s development, not if it is good or bad. Anything that you interact with is going to have an effect on your development.

D.People blame the computer and videos, because it is an easy target to hit. If you really wanna look at people being lonely, look at the school system, where teachers could easily fix the problem by doing more group work with him/her choosing the students for the group. I mean, I could play outside by myself and still be lonely. There isn’t a difference.E.  I do believe our children’s development is affected by computers and video game play if too much time is spent because that’s time that a child used to be playing outside with other children. I think that some computer work is good because it trains the brain in new patterns, but time on the computer need to be limited and playing outside should be encouraged.
