1. 如果你想问别人是怎样去上学的,应该说:[ ]
A. How do you go school?
B. How do you go to school?
C. How do you get to the park?
2. 如果不知道怎么去电影院的路时,应该怎么问别人? [ ]
A. How can I go to the cinema?
B. Is the cinema far?
C. How is the cinema?
3. 如果你想知道别人的住址时,你应该说:[ ]
A. What is his address?
B. Do you live in this apartment?
C. Where do you live?
4. 如果你想告诉别人你可以坐飞机去北京时,应该说:
A. I can go to Beijing by plane.
B. You can go to Beijing by plane.
C. I can go to Beijing by train.
5. 如果你想告诉别人你有时步行去公园时,应该说:[ ]
A. I often go to the park by bike.
B. Sometimes I go to the park on foot.
C. I go to the park on foot.