问题 阅读理解


     A large number of people in the world eat fast food. Whenever you go into a fast food restaurant,

you can see lots of people enjoying their meals there. How do you know in which country people like

fast food best?

     The English people are the world's biggest fans of fast food, while the French (法国人) are the least

interested in quick meals, according to a survey done last year.

     The survey of thirteen countries shows 45% of the English people say they can't give up fast food

because it's delicious. And 44% of Americans and 37% of Canadians say the same.

     The French, proud of their delicious and high-class cuisine, don't like fast food. 81% of them think it

is unhealthy, followed by 75% of the Japanese.

     How about the Chinese? How often do you have hamburgers or fried chicken? It doesn't matter

whether you like Western fast food or Chinese food. The most important thing is to keep a balanced


1. From the survey we know ________ like fast food best.

A. the Chinese

B. the French

C. Japanese

D. the English

2. The survey shows ________ of Americans like fast food.

A. 37%

B. 44%

C. 75%

D. 81%

3. According to the survey, some people can't give up fast food because ________.

A. it's cheap

B. it's safe

C. it's delicious

D. it's healthy

4. The word"cuisine"in the passage means ________.

A. food

B. house

C. water

D. country

5. The survey is about ________.

A. Western countries  

B. fast food  

C. restaurants in the world  

D.Chinese food




材料一 (1950年)6月25日,北朝鲜军队今天越过三八线。几个小时之内,北朝鲜人迫使南朝鲜边防人员丢弃广阔的前线地带向后撤退。美国似乎对这一进攻感到惊讶,它将这次进攻归咎于苏联。 ——克利夫顿·丹尼尔主编《二十世纪大博览》

材料二 1950年6月25日,南朝鲜军队开始了美国预谋的对朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的侵略,发动了内战。 ——葛罗米柯、波诺马廖夫《苏联对外政策史》

材料三 1950年6月25日,朝鲜半岛发生内战……李承晚集团自认为有关国的支持,就能轻而易举占领北朝鲜。但是,北朝鲜军民在劳动党和金日成的领导下,团结一致,奋起反抗,不到两个月的时间,解放了汉城和南朝鲜40%以上地区,李承晚集团处于瓦解之中。 ——吴本祥主编《中华人民共和国史》






