问题 单项选择题

The speaker believes that a practical solution to the problem of starvation is to remove obstacles to adequate supply of food rather than to increase production of it.





解析: Hunger is not caused by a global scarcity of food. The world can easily produce enough to feed everyone, without any government support. When people go hungry, it is because they do not have access to food — sometimes for reasons of war or politics, most often because of poverty.因果关系判断。关于饥谨问题,文章认为“Hunger is not caused by a global scarcity of food”即“饥饿不是由于全球粮食匮乏造成的”,而且进一步说“…it is because they do not have access to food——sometimes for reasons of war or politics,most often because of poverty”即“饥饿问题是因为人们由于战争、政治、贫穷等原因而无法得到食物”,显然文章认为饥谨问题与粮食供应的畅通与否有关。因此,题干说解决饥谨问题需要消除粮食供应的障碍而非提高粮食产量的说法是正确的。 注意:掌握表因果关系的信号词,如文中“not caused…”,“because…”等。

问答题 论述题