问题 多项选择题

根据支付结算法律制度规定,银行通过互联网为个人客户办理电子支付业务,除采用数字证书、电子签名等安全认证方式外,单笔金额和每日累计金额分别不应超过一定数额。下列关于该数额的表述中,正确的是( )。







解析: 根据《电子支付指引(第一号)》的规定,银行通过互联网为个人客户办理电子支付业务,除采用数字证书、电子签名等安全认证方式外,单笔金额不应超过1000元人民币,每日累计金额不应超过5000元人民币。


      When I was in the third grade,I was chosen to be the princess in the
school play. For weeks my mother had helped me practise my lines. But
once on the stage , every word   1   from ruy head. Then my teacher asked
me to change my role to be a narrator(解说者) for the play    2   I didn't tell
 my mother what had happened that day,she noticed my  3  and asked if I
 wanted to take a walk in the garden.      It was a lovely spring day. We
could see dandelions (浦公英) popping (乍开)   4   the grass in bunches
 (束). I watched my mother bend down by one of thebunches. "I  think  
I'll dig  up (挖光 ) all  these  weeds (野草) , "  she said. " From now  
on , we'll   5   have  roses in this garden. "
         " But  I  like  dandelions , "   I  protested (抗议 ) .  " All flowers
are   6  even dandelions !" My mother looked at me seriously. "Yes,
every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesn't it?"  she asked
thoughtfully. I nodded. "And that is  7   of people , too, "  she added.
       When I   8  that she had guessed my pain,l started to cry and told
her the truth. " But you will be a wonderful narrator," she said,   9   me
of how much Iloved to read stories' aloud.
       Thanks to my mother's encouragement ,I got to know everybody had
his or her own   1   in the world. I felt proud of the role in the play.

( )1.A. developed   
(     )2.A. If          
( )3.A. difficulty  
(     )4.A. through     
(     )5.A. hartlly     
( )6.A. harmless    
( )7.A. true        
(     )8.A. remembered  
(     )9.A. representing
(     )10.A.honor

B. left       
B. Because    
B. mistake    
B. past       
B. only       
B. healthy    
B. kind       
B. realized   
B. complaining
B. progress

C. failed      
C. Though       
C. danger        
C. beyond        
C. still         
C. beautiful     
C. same          
C. explained     
C. recommending  
C. value

D. disappeared     
D. Since           
D. unhappiness     
D. behind          
D. also            
D. fresh           
D. clever          
D. promised        
D. reminding       
D. interest
问答题 简答题