问题 多项选择题









解析:[考点] 没有管辖权的处理 根据前述分析,本题中的运好县人民法院对该案没有管辖权,不应该受理此案。 《行政诉讼法》第2l条规定:“人民法院发现受理的案件不属于自己管辖时,应当移送有管辖权的人民法院。受移送的人民法院不得自行移送。” 《行政诉讼法》第22条第2款规定:“人民法院对管辖权发生争议,由争议双方协商解决。协商不成的,报它们的共同上级人民法院指定管辖。”据此,C项表述“不能再移送,只能受理该行政案件”错误。 综上所述,运好县人民法院如在受理后发现自己无管辖权,可以将该案件移送至境县人民法院。如果境县人民法院认为自己也没有管辖权,应与运好县人民法院协商解决,协商不成的,报请共同上级法院指定。






Brockingham is run by people who are more interested in tourists than its residents.By banning all fast-food restaurants and discount stores,they take away all the places kids can afford to shop.

These people forget that when they were young,they could go to the South Street Soda Fountain and get an ice.cream soda for 25 cents.Today you can’t find an ice-cream soda anywhere in Brockingham for less than $2 1 Where can kids go for a snack?

There is not a single restaurant in Brockingham where a family of four can eat dinner for less than $100.Add a 15%tip and sales tax and you have spent nearly $125 to eat a meal you could prepare at home for about $12.Have you noticed that Brockingham families never dine in Brockingham?

Fast.food restaurants are also a good place for school kids to get an after-school job.Fast-food restaurants are the busiest during the early supper hours when students are able to work , whereas the fancy food restaurants cater to late-night diners. Working in one of these establishments requires working shifts that are too late for most students.  The City Council claims that local merchants,rather than national chains,should benefit from the tourist business.I agree that it is important to support local businesses,but I think the fast-food restaurants would encourage more people to shop in Brockingham.

Another thing          is that we must travel 25 miles to the nearest discount store.If I need a tire for my bike,I have a choice of buying one at Surf and Peddle Sport Shop for $15 or driving to Parkersburg Discount Center where I can buy the same kind of tire for $9.Again,I  think the ban on all food chains and discount houses is counterproductive for our city.    

76.List three reasons why the writer supports fast-food restaurants.




77.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 37(Please answer within 10 words)

____________________________________________________________________________                                                                               78.Fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words.(Please answer within 6 words)


79.Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

Kids have no places to shop because of the ban on all fast-food restaurants and discount  stores. 


80.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 into Chinese.
