问题 完形填空
     Do you love __1__ your own room? Do you love not having to clean it? So do many teens.
But sometimes this means your room becomes so untidy, and you can't find what you want. You
can't even __2__ the floor.
     But don't worry, American mother and daughter authors Julie and Jessi Morgenstern are here
to help. They __3__"Organizing from the Inside Out for Teens" to help make your life more
organized (有条理的).
     In the book, the authors point out that your room is the only space in the world just for you. If you
keep it clean and tidy, you will find things __4__ and have more success(成功) in life.
     But, to have success, you must organize all parts of your life. Not just your room. The book
__5__ many ways to help you do this. Always put things back where you find them. Keep any t
hing important in one easy-to-reach drawer(抽屉). Put labels(标签) on your drawers __6__ what
is in them. When you buy a new text book, __7__ your old ones away. Make a plan for each day.
Then you will know what you should be __8__ at all times. Keep to your plan.
     If you __9__ these tips, you will learn to manage(掌管) your space and time. And your future
will be __10_.
( )1. A. having  
( )2. A. look    
( )3. A. writers  
( )4. A. easy    
( )5. A. gives    
( )6. A. to say  
( )7. A. put      
( )8. A. done    
( )9. A. following
( )10. A. better  
B. making
B. look at
B. write  
B. easier
B. giving
B. say    
B. take  
B. do    
B. follow        
B. bad    
C. have      
C. see        
C. are writing
C. easily    
C. give      
C. saying    
C. throw      
C. doing      
C. learn from
C. warm      

1-5  ACBBA    6-10  CACBA






科目编号 科目名称 贷方余额 贷方余额
1001 库存现金 1000.00
1002 银行存款 1406 000.00
100201 工行存款 1392 800.00
100202 中行存款 13200.00
1122 应收账款 1470000.00
1221 其他应收款 7300.00
1403 原材料 1000000.00
140301 8.5圆钢 1000 000.00
2001 短期借款 900000.00
2202 应付账款 1070000.00
4001 实收资本 1914 300.00
6001 主营业务收入
6002 管理费用
合 计 3884300.00 3884300.00

(3)编制记账凭证。由操作员王明根据下列经济业务编制凭证: 第一,1月4日,购入8.5圆钢90吨,每吨3300元(假设无税),款未付。 借:原材料——8.5圆钢(140301) 297000 贷:应付账款(2202)297000 第二,1月5日,销售给非凡公司产品一批,价格160000元(假设无税),款未付。 借:应收账款(1122) 160000 贷:主营业务收入(6001) 160000 第三,1月6日,用工行存款归还短期借款600000元。 借:短期借款(2001) 600000 贷:银行存款——工行存款(100201) 600000 第四,1月7日,李明报销差旅费1000元,冲销其他应收款。 借:管理费用(6602) 1000 贷:其他应收款(1221) 1000 第五,1月8日,提取库存现金16000元准备发放工资。 借:库存现金(1001)16000 贷:银行存款——工行存款(100201) 16000 (4)由操作员李伟审核凭证、记账、结账。 (5)编制会计报表。根据下表格式编制资产负债表,并从账上提取“货币资金”、“应收账款”、“短期借款”数据。


编制单位:广源工厂 2009年1月31日 报表编号:会工01表

资 产 期末余额 年初余额 权 益 期末余额 年初余额
流动资产: 流动负债:
货币资金 短期借款
应收账款 应付账款
资产总计 权益总计
