问题 完形填空

第三部分. 翻译(10分,每空0.5分):

36. 警方还没有排除Justin是被外星人劫持的可能性,但同时也在调查其他可能性。

Police have not                   the possibility that Justin was taken away by aliens, but are also                   other possibilities.

37. 我真羡慕你的运气,能近距离的见到那位英雄。

I really          you your good luck of          the hero                  .

38. 她的工作与计算机有很大关系,所以她正在研究计算机科学。

Her job has                         with computers, so she’s  __    ____  on computer science.

39. 居里夫人是一位伟大的科学家,她受到很多青年人的尊敬。

Madam Curie was a great scientist, who was                            by many young people.

40. 他从小想成为一句探险家。在他40多岁的时候,他实现了自己的梦想。

He wanted to be an       when he was young. In his forties, he                           .


36. ruled out , looking into

37. envy , seeing , up close

38. much to do , doing research

39. looked up to

40. explorer , lived his dream
