问题 问答题




[巧思妙答] 五年内派遣十万名大学生下基层去当村官,主要是可以拓宽高校毕业生就业渠道,推动高校毕业生面向基层就业。同时,这项工作有助于大学生了解国情与基层,提高自身综合能力,从而达到锻炼与成才的目的。另外,高校毕业生到农村和社区工作,可以加强基层人才队伍建设,夯实党的执政基础,为加快社会主义新农村建设与和谐社会建设注入新的活力。


[点评] 此题考查综合分析能力。这道题是问积极意义,所以应该以褒义表述为主。




A farmer was put in prison. One day, he got a letter from his wife.

“I am worried about our farm,” she wrote. “It’s time to plant potatoes, but I can’t do all the digging by myself.”

The farmer thought over and then had an idea. He wrote to his wife, “Don’t dig the fields. This is where my gold is. Don’t plant potatoes until I come home.”

A few days later, the farmer got another letter from his wife. It said, “Two days ago, about ten prison guards came to our fields. It looked as if they were looking for something. They have dug our fields.”

The farmer wrote to his wife at once. “Now you can plant our potatoes.” he wrote.

46. Why was the farmer put in prison?   ________.

A. Because he had done something wrong

 Because he had a lot of gold in the fields

C. The writer didn’t say anything about why the farmer was put in prison

D. For nothing

47. The farmer told his wife ____ first.

A. not to dig the fields                B.to dig the fields

C. to ask the prison guards for help      D. to find the gold in the fields

48. Why did the prison guards dig the farmer’s fields?________.

A. They wanted to help the farmer   B.Their leader ordered them to do so

C. The farmer asked them to do so   D. They wanted to find out the gold

49. Why did the farmer ask his wife to plant potatoes at once ? Because _____.

A. their fields had been dug

B.the gold was found out

C. the prison guards asked him to do so

D. the prison guards were digging the fields
