问题 阅读理解与欣赏





  作为学者和诗人的闻一多先生,在30年代国立青岛大学的两年时间,我对他是有着深刻印象的。那时候,他已经诗兴不作而研究志趣正浓。他正向古代典籍钻探,有如向地壳寻求宝藏。仰之弥高,越高,攀得越起劲;钻之弥坚,越坚,钻得越锲而不舍。他想吃尽,消化尽我们中 * * 几千年来的文化史,炯炯目光,一直远射到有史以前。他要给我们衰微的民族,开一剂救济的文化药方。1930年到1932年,“望闻问切”也还只是在“望”的初级阶段。他从唐诗下手,目不窥园,足不下楼,兀兀穷年,沥尽心血。杜甫晚年,疏懒得“一月不梳头”。闻先生也总是头发零乱,他是无暇及此的。饭,几乎忘记了吃,他贪的是精神食粮;夜间睡得很少,为了研究,他惜寸阴、分阴。深宵灯火是他的伴侣,因它大开光明之路,“漂白了的四壁”。















1.他想吃尽,消化尽我们中 * * 几千年来的文化史;目不窥园,足不下楼;头发零乱,睡得很少。





根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。

How to be a good tourist

We travel for work but also for fun and learning. New restaurants, galleries, temples and new architecture…These places are homes for people like us who live and work there. How would you want visitors to behave in your own home? Think about it   小题1:  There are many ways of doing this without sacrificing our own holiday.

Do your homework.   小题2:  Guides will help you when you get to site, but is that the best place to go? Is it popular only because the one-day tourist can see it easily or because it is really a worthwhile place to visit? You’d better check it out.

 小题3:  Don’t go to your hotels for meals. Walk around, even if in the streets closest to your hotel. Eat in local restaurants .Talk to the locals. Learn a few in the local language and use them. You will surely get a smile from the hotel staff and street sellers .

Help preserve the sites. Most of the sites you visit may be visited by millions of people a year, so care needs to be taken to allow others to enjoy them as well. Some of these monuments are so old and fragile that they are sensitive to the touch of hands or bags and shows.   小题4:  This way, you don’t encourage the use of those plastic bags that fly all over many sites.

And here’s the big one—good manners are nearly universal.  小题5:   If that doesn’t sound like you, then give the world a break and stay home.

A.Experience the place.

B.Always have a cloth bag with you.

C.Read up on the places you want to visit.

D.Try to buy something from the local stores.E. A good tourist is polite, positive and eco-sensitive.

F. We’ve cleaned up after ourselves and taken only good memories.

G. If we are good tourists, wherever we go, we try to make it a little better because of our visit.
