问题 阅读理解与欣赏





  老母亲急了:“已经感冒了不是?怎么这么不听话?从小就不爱加衣服……”絮絮叨叨,从他7岁时的“劣迹一直说起,他赶紧截住:“妈,你那边天气怎么样?”老人答:“雪还在下呢。” 他不由自主地愣住了。  



1. 指出上文所叙事情的时间、地点,文中主要人物。




2. 用文中词语填空。


(2)对于父亲的叮嘱,儿子的态度是                ;对于老母亲的叮嘱,老王的表现是                      

3. 老王为什么“不由自主地愣住了”?




5. 老王对儿子和对母亲的不同态度,主要是用什么写法来表现的?


6. 读了上文,你受到什么教育?






2. (1)絮絮叨叨(2)漫不经心;不耐烦赶紧截住 

3. 竟没有想到故乡已经下雪了;寒潮初袭时。竟对七旬老母少有牵挂(后一分句有“只想到儿子,却没有想到母亲”意思的也可) 

4. 含义:父母对儿女、儿女对父母的感情应是人间最温暖的,生活中往往是父母对儿女牵肠挂肚,而儿女对父母少有牵挂。心理:表现了老王的困惑、内疚、有所醒悟(有“困惑”和“内疚”的意思即可) 

5. 对比的写法(或:比较、比照)

6. 答题要点:① 领会父母的爱;② 报答父母的爱;③ 以实际行动发扬敬老爱幼的传统



     My name is Linda Green. I'm  a member of  a  large company which has many sections. There are two

men in important  positions  in my office  - Mr. Thompson and Mr. White.  Everyone enjoys working with

Mr. Thompson, but no one likes Mr. White.

     Mr. Thompson is always kind and patient. When he wants something done, he'll ask. "Would you mind getting this information for me, please?'" Mr. White is just the opposite. He usually shouts across the room, "Get me the papers, and hurry up."

     But Mr. White surprised us  this morning. At first we thought he must  be sick. He was  kind and polite. "Miss  Erickson,"  he  asked, " if it isn't  too much trouble for you,  could you please make these telephone

calls for me?"  June Erickson  was  too  surprised to say  a word.  Right after that,  Mr. White said,  "Miss

Reed, would you be so kind as to open the window? It's quite warm in here."  Then he turned to me,  "I'd

appreciate very much if you'd mail these letters for me."

     We couldn't imagine why he was behaving so strangely.Should We give him some medicine? Or should we send him to the hospital?

     The situation was soon cleared up. "Ladies," Mr. Thompson said, "I've been told that the president(总裁) of our company will be here soon. He's very interested in the welfare (福利) of his employees(雇员)

and will have some questions to ask you about that."

1.The writer works in a ________ .

A) bank

B) company

C) factory

D) shopping centre

2.From the passage we learn that Mr. Thompson ________.

A) is good at making money

B) likes shouting across the office.

C) is always late for work

D) gets along well with others

3.The underlined part in Paragraph 2 tells us that Mr. White is ________.

A) rude


C) careless

D) sad

4.This morning Mr. White asked June Erickson to ________ .

A) get some information

B) mail some letters

C) make some phone calls

D) open the window

5.Mr. White surprised the other people in his office this morning because ________.

A) he looked very sick

B) he shouted at others

C) he did a lot of work himself

D) he became polite and kind

6.According to the passage, which of the following is Not True?

A) Mr. White and Mr. Thompson both work in the writer's office.

B) Everyone in the office believes that Mr. White has changed.

C) The president of the company will come to see them soon.

D) The president will do a survey about the employees' welfare.
