问题 完形填空
     Diana Velez does everything with maximum effort-and at maximum speed.That __1__ learning a new
language, completing two certificates and opening a store.
     When arriving in Canada in 2008, she had one__2__:to have what she had back home in Colombia.
"I didn't want to __3__ what I do, like so many who come to a new country,"she said."I __4__ to open
a store here in Canada but knew I had to __5__ myself properly."
     Diana quickly realized that making her dream of shop ownership in Canada a __6__ meant going to
school to get the __7__ education and certification."My experience of owning a shop and working as a
designer in Colombia gave me __8__ in my abilities, but I couldn't speak the language and I had to
__9__ how to do things in Canada.It was like having to __10__all over again," said Diana.
     __11__, she found just the help she needed for her relaunch(重新开张) __12__continuing education
at George Brown College.She began taking __13__ for both the Essential Skills in Fashion Certificate
and the Image Consulting Certificate in May 2009.__14__Diana met with the language barrier, she was
always going __15__ while at college.
     By the end of October 2009, she had completed all certificate requirements.Within two years after
her __16__ in Canada, Diana at last achieved her __17__ goal when her new store opened its doors in
Toronto's Sheppard Centre.She was on the fasttrack to __18__.
     Looking back, Diana, a fashion (时装) designer,__19__ her achievements to the goal she set, the
education she received from the college, and __20__, the efforts she made.Now Diana is very happy
doing what she is doing.
( )1. A.requires  
( )2. A.goal      
( )3. A.continue  
( )4. A.demanded  
( )5. A.teach      
( )6. A.reality    
( )7. A.physical  
( )8. A.pressure  
( )9. A.put away  
( )10. A.advance  
( )11. A.Naturally
( )12. A.through  
( )13. A.notes    
( )14. A.Though    
( )15. A.around    
( )16. A.adventure
( )17. A.original  
( )18. A.success  
( )19. A.adds      
( )20. A.after all
B. encourages      
B. memory          
B. choose          
B. decided          
B. prepare          
B. fact            
B. private          
B. judgement        
B. depend on        
B. start            
B. Gradually        
B. for              
B. responsibilities
B. As              
B. back            
B. arrival          
B. common          
B. wealth          
B. connects        
B. above all        
C. includes    
C. choice      
C. change      
C. agreed      
C. enjoy      
C. challenge  
C. primary    
C. influence  
C. learn about
C. suffer      
C. Luckily    
C. before      
C. chances    
C. Since      
C. ahead      
C. performance
C. another    
C. glory      
C. devotes    
C. at least    
D. advises        
D. problem        
D. lose          
D. hesitated      
D. persuade      
D. wonder        
D. necessary      
D. confidence    
D. look into      
D. work          
D. Clearly        
D. with          
D. courses        
D. Once          
D. out            
D. journey        
D. distant        
D. happiness      
D. owes          
D. at first      

1-5: CACBB   6-10: ADDCB  11-15: CADAD  16-20: BAADB


(14分) 卤化物和卤酸盐在工业生产中有着重要的作用。某小组为探究其中一些盐的性质,查阅资料并进行实验。查阅资料如下:

① BrO3 + 6I + 6H+ = 3I2 + Br+ 3H­2O    ② 2BrO3 + I2 = 2IO3 + Br2

③ IO3 + 5I + 6H+ = 3I2 + 3H2O           ④ 2IO3 + 10Br+ 12H+ = I2 + 5Br2 + 6H2O


ⅰ.向盛有30 mL 0.2 mol·L-1 KI溶液的锥形瓶中依次滴入几滴淀粉溶液和足量稀硫酸,再用滴定管逐滴加入KBrO3溶液随着KBrO3溶液滴入,溶液由无色变为蓝色并逐渐加深,最终保持不变

(1)步骤ⅰ开始时发生的反应如资料①所示,溶液中I完全被氧化时转移     mol电子,该反应中硫酸表现出的化学性质是                  

(2)上述资料中的反应              (填序号)可表示步骤ⅱ中的反应,通过该反应         (填“能”或“不能”)说明碘的非金属性强于溴,原因是               

(3)根据资料中的反应①~④并结合所学知识,判断IO3、BrO3、I2、Br2的氧化性由强到弱的顺序是                ;KBrO3溶液与KBr溶液在酸性条件下反应的离子方程式是                                         

