Bill Clinton was born on August 19, 1946 in a town called Hope, with the birth name William Jefferson
Blythe. His birth father died in a car accident just three months before his birth. When he was born, his
mother sent him to live with his grandparents because she couldn't possibly support a child by herself. He
lived with his grandparents for two years while his mother was away at a nursing school in New Orleans,
trying to advance her career. When Bill was four, his mother returned to Hope, where she met and married
Roger Clinton Sr. A few years later, Bill and his family moved to Hot Springs, where Bill attended school.
When he was nine years old, he changed schools and went to Ramble Elementary.
When Bill was ten, Roger Clinton Jr. was born, and at age fifteen, Bill took his stepfather's last name in
hopes of helping his mother's troubled relationship. While Bill was growing up in Hot Springs, the town was
troubled by gambling (赌博), but Bill had little contact with this part of society despite his parents' frequent
participation (参与) in these illegal practices. As time went by, his mother's relationship with Roger Clinton
Sr. became more and more unstable. His parents often separated. In high school, Bill was a member of the
band, student government, honor society and many other organizations. One summer at a political summer
camp called Boys State, Bill ran for delegate (代表) to Boys Nation. He won this election and was on his way
to Washington to meet John F. Kennedy, the president. Bill said of his victory, "I didn't know if I could win
a race like that...". After that, Bill became determined to enter politics.
1. William Jefferson Blythe moved to Hot Springs _______.
A. when he was born
B. before he was nine years old
C. when his mother remarried
D. when he was two
2. Bill Clinton once stayed in the following places EXCEPT _______.
A. the town of Hope
B. the nursing school in New Orleans
C. Hot Springs
D. Ramble Elementary
3. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Roger Clinton Sr. was always kind to Bill and his mother.
B. Bill Clinton was once called William Jefferson Blythe before 15.
C. Bill' s mother and stepfather were interested in gambling.
D. Roger Clinton Jr. was Bill Clinton's half brother.
4. It can be learned from the passage that _______.
A. Bill wanted to be a president while studying at school
B. Boys Nation was a political summer camp
C. members of Boys State could see the president
D. Bill decided to enter politics after meeting John F. Kennedy
1-4: BBAD