问题 实验题



(1)试验中,直接测定小球碰撞前后的速度是不容易的。但是,可以通过仅测量      (填选项前的序号),间接地解决这个问题。




(2)图中O点是小球抛出点在地面上的垂直投影,实验时,先让入射球多次从斜轨上同一位置静止释放,找到其平均落地点的位置B,测量平抛射程。然后把被碰小球静止于轨道的水平部分,再将入射小球从斜轨上相同位置静止释放,与小球相撞,并多次重复。接下来要完成的必要步骤是     (填选项的符号)






(3)若两球相碰前后的动量守恒,其表达式可表示为       (用(2)中测量的量表示);若碰撞是弹性碰撞,那么还应满足的表达式为       (用(2)中测量的量表示)。

(4)经测定,,小球落地点的平均位置到O点的距离如图所示。碰撞前、后­的动量分别为,则  :11;若碰撞结束时的动量为,则=11:   ;所以,碰撞前、后总动量的比值=   ;实验结果说明                     .


(1)C                            ……………………(1分)

(2)D                            ……………………(1分)

(3)       ……………………(2分)









III.Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that fits the context.

A detailed study of biological diversity(多样性)in town and city gardens has found that they offer a vital refuge for animals and plants. It has also fund that many of the ideas about wildlife gardening are not  50  .In fact, small gardens are just as good as big gardens at  51 wildlife, suburban gardens are not always better than city gardens and non-native plants are not always harmful to native insects and birds. Britain’s 16,000,000 gardens are a refuge for hundreds of species of animals and plants that would find it  52   to survive onintensively (精细地)farmed land. According to the study, gardens are amazingly varied even compared to   53  environments that are good for wildlife. Small gardens are more interesting  54 they vary a great deal in botanical environment, All the wildlife responds to the variation.

Ken Thompson of Sheffield University was involved n the first detailed study of the  55  living in British gardens when he and his colleagues surveyed 61 gardens in Sheffield. They really found a(n)  56 diversity of plants and animals. They also identified a range of simple   57  that improved a garden’s environment for wildlife. The top thing is to grow more big trees as these greatly  58  the volume of vegetation in the garden and a lot of  59 means a lot of places to live and a lot of things to eat.   60  , create a pond for insects and frogs. Think before stocking it with fish which will eat insect eggs. Also, it is not wise to light up the garden at night with bright lawn lamps, which will  61 many night creatures, Finally, don’t be too tidy: don’t be  62  to clear up everything when the garden stops flowering. Just   63 a bit of things lying around.

To sum up, people who want to turn their gardens into wildlife refuges should  64  and let the grass grow tall, the flowers turn to seed and trees expand skyward.

50.A.true          B.basic         C.vivid         D.simple

51.A.selecting      B.importing     C.offering       D.attracting

52.A.impossible       B.illegal          C.lucky         D.convenient

53.A.peaceful      B.warm              C.natural         D.clean

54.A.before         B.unless          C.but           D.because

55.A.wildlife       B.men         C.germ         D.pet

56.A.confusing     B.complete      C.surprising     D.orderly

57.A.measures     B.standards     C.services       D.functions

58.A.occupy        B.increase       C.limit         D.reduce

59.A.vegetation     B.reservation       C.preparation      D.decoration

60.A.By contrast      B.As a result          C.In other words  D.In addition

61.A.block          B.disturb         C.benefit         D.protect

62.A.in a mess     B.in a way      C.in a hurry     D.in a while

63.A.forget          B.remove        C.avoid         D.leave

64.A.escape         B.relax         C.strive         D.retire
