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     If it works,it should make everyone feel a little better about healthcare and make healthcare a little

more accessible to more people. Patients will no longer have to shell out the 7 to 15 percent extra fees

that state-owned hospitals charge on medicines. The Health Ministry' announcement last week is a

welcome first step in China's long-delayed healthcare reform.

     The new policy, to be adopted on trial basis. Is intended to stop hospitals from relying too much on

income from medicines. It is estimated that income from the sale of medicines makes up 50 percent of

a hospital's revenue on an average. What is supposed to make the difference is the move's intention to

get rid of the unhealthy tendency of doctors prescribing expensive drugs for their own or their hospital's

profits rather than for the rehabilitation of patients. The government's good intention could be just wishful

thinking if no specific measures were taken to break the nexus between representatives of medicine

manufactures and doctors or between hospitals and manufacturers. It is an open secret that some doctors get kickbacks from drug manufacturers for prescribing their drugs.

      This move will undoubtedly dampen the enthusiasm hospitals have to urge their doctors to prescribe

expensive drugs.

     It is still too early to say how much the new policy will improve the service doctors provide to their

patients and reduce the cost of healthcare since it will only be practiced in some hospitals on a trial basis

for three years. Cutting down expensive healthcare bills and improving the quality of service require more

investigations into the problem areas of the healthcare system.

     Hopefully , this is just a start  that will  be followed up by more practical moves to make it easier and

cheaper for more people to get quality healthcare service.

1. What is the expected result of the new policy?

A. Hospitals will have more enthusiasm in prescribing expensive drugs.

B. Hospitals will have more enthusiasm in prescribing cheap drugs.

C. Patients will pay less and receive better service.

D. Doctors will not be able to get kickbacks from drug manufacturers any more.

2. What can be inferred from the passage? 

A. The new policy will be adopted in all hospitals.

B. The Health Ministry is not definitely sure whether the new policy will achieve expected result.

C. The cost of healthcare will drop the moment the policy is adopted.

D. Hospitals will suffer a lot as long as the policy is adopted.

3. What does the underlined word" nexus" ( Paragraph 2) probably mean?

A. Bad relationship.          

B. Good relationship.

C. Promise.                    

D. Management.

4. What is the best title for the passage?

A. A good first step in China's healthcare reform.

B. Less  cost,better service.

C. Good policy for hospitals.

D. China's healthcare system.