German Chancellor Angela Merkel won over German voters in the Federal Election on Sept. 27. Can she now be won over by a French charm offensive (1) at repairing the relationship that was once at the heart of Europe That’s the question being asked in Paris, (2) top government officials are (3) talking about their desire to rekindle closer ties (4) their neighbors across the Rhine. (5) the end of World War II the Franco-German relationship has been the motor of European integration, the (6) force behind the creation of the European Union and, more recently, the introduction of the euro. But the ardor has (7) in this decade, particularly under Merkel, who has regularly struggled to (8) her irritation with French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s grandstanding. Sarkozy, (9) , has often been impatient with what he (10) Merkel’s lack of resolve.
The sometimes (11) personal rapport is a long way from the public shows of affection their predecessors staged, particularly Helmut Kohl and FranCois Mitterrand, who movingly held (12) in 1984 in a Verdun cemetery. There’s been tension on (13) , too. Charles Grant, director of the London-based think tank Centre for European Reform, points out that France and Germany have been (14) on issues from how best to reflate their economies during the economic (15) to the smartest strategies for dealing with Russia.
But influential movers in France are now (16) to put the relationship back on a friendlier footing. In a recent paper French think tank Institute Montaigne (17) an ambitious agenda for the two nations, (18) that a new impetus is needed if Europe’s voice is to be heard in a world (19) of big new players, such as Brazil and India, and at a time when President Obama seems fax more (20) with China and the rest of Asia than with America’s traditional allies in Europe.
2010年9月,张某、王某、刘某和A协商设立普通合伙企业。其中,张某、王某、刘某系某公司下岗职工,A系一集体所有制法人企业。合伙人共同拟定的合伙协议约定:张某以劳务出资,而王某、刘某以实物出资,对企业债务承担无限责任,A以货币出资,对企业债务以其出资额承担有限责任,但不参与企业的经营管理。经过纠正有关问题后,合伙企业得以成立。开业不久,刘某发现张某、王某的经营不符合自己的要求,遂提出退伙。在该年11月下旬刘某撤资退伙的同时,合伙企业又接纳赵某人伙。该年11月底,合伙企业的债权人甲就11月发生的债务要求现在的合伙人及退伙人共同承担连带清偿责任。对此,刘某认为其已退伙,对合伙企业的债务不再承担责任;入伙人赵某则认为,自己对入伙前发生的债务也不承担任何责任。 2010年12月,赵某向丙公司借款时,在仅征得张某的同意后,将其在合伙企业中的财产份额出质给丙公司。 要求:根据以上资料和相关法律制度的规定,回答下列问题: