问题 阅读理解


Devon, 17, is used to paying her own cell phone and car expenses. But lately it's been harder. The family she baby-sits for hasn’t been calling as much as usual and she couldn't find a job over the summer. Devon's dad said it's a sign of the tough economy. He told her he's feeling the pinch too and that he had to use her college fund to pay the loan(货款).

This kind of money troubles isn't strange to common families these days. In fact, it's hard to avoid news about the economy on the screen of the TV or the computers recently. It can seem a bit worry and some families are hit really hard.

For most people, the big problem is that things cost more at a time when they have less money to spend. But higher prices aren't the only problem. Many people are having a tough time making payments on some types of home loans.

Therefore, some families are cutting back on what they spend. For example, eating out less, staying home instead of going on vacation, moving to a less expensive house and so on.

However, as discouraging as things may seem now, the good news is that the economy always gets back on track after a while. Jobs may be hard to find, but the slow economy can open up new opportunities. The couple Devon babysat for might cut back on evening's out, but they could be interested in hiring her for after-school care. Perhaps it's time to sell her old toys and baby gear (设备)in the basement(地下室) or help others sell these items online if she is-good at it. She could charge them a fee to sell their old stuff(东西).

72. What does the underlined phrase in the first paragraph refer to?

A. Getting hurt.               B. Short of money.

C. Out of work.               D. Receiving less calls.

73. According to the passage, what constantly appears on the screen nowadays?

A. News on the tough economy.         B. Devon's family troubles.

C. Advertisements for babysitters.        D. Information on yard sales.

74. What do people do to overcome the tough economy?

A. To strike for high pay.      B. To open a new store to sell toys.

C. To cut down their expense.  D. To move to other places for vocations.

75. The passage is mainly about       .

A. Devon's own family money troubles    B. family troubles' made by tough economy

C. ways of solving the slow economy    D. the increasing prices and expenses


72-75 BACB

问答题 简答题

案例:国际多式联运的认识 国际多式联运是指由多式联运经营人按照多式联运合同,以至少两种不同的运输方式,将货物从一国境内接管货物的地点运至另一国境内指定地点交货的运输方式。它是以集装箱为运输单元,将不同的运输方式有机组合在一起构成连续的综合性的一体化货物运输。其特点是:一次托运、一次计费、一次单证、一次保险。 这种运输方式与传统单一的运输方式相比,有比较明显的优点: 1.统一化、简单化。不论货物运程多远,不论有几种运输方式共同完成对货物的运输,不论中途经过多少转换,所有一切运输事项多式联运企业经营人负责办理。而货主只需办理一次托运、订立一次运输合同、一次支付费用、一次保险。一旦运输途中发生货物损坏或灭失,由多式联运经营人对全程运输负责,而每一运输区段的承运人对自己运输区段的货物损害承担责任。 2.减少中间环节、缩短货物运输时间、降低货损货差、提高货运质量。由于以集装箱为运输单元,货物在发货人工厂或仓库装箱后可直接运至收货人的工厂或仓库。中途换装时无须换箱、装箱,从而减少了中间环节。同时由于使用专业机械装卸,换装时又不涉及箱内的货物,因而货损货差、货物被窃现象大为减少,从而在一定程度上提高了货运质量。此外,由于各个运输环节的各种运输工具之间配合密切、衔接紧凑,货物中转迅速及时,大大减少了货物停留时间,从而从基本上保证了货物安全、迅速、准确、及时地运抵目的地。 3.降低运输成本、节省运杂费用。由于实行门到门服务运输,因此,对货主来说,在将货物交到第一承运人后即可取得货运单证,并据以结汇。结汇时间提前,不仅有利于加速货物资金的周转,而且减少了利息的支出。同时由于货物装载集装箱运输,从某种意义上说可节省货物的包装费和保险费。此外,由于多式联运采用一张货运单据、统一费率,因而简化了制单和结算手续,节省了人力物力。 4.提高运输组织水平,实现合理化运输。由于多式联运可组织各种运输业者共同参与,经营业务范围可大大扩展,并且可以最大限度地发挥其现有设备的作用,选择最佳运输路线,组织合理运输。 根据多式联运公约的规定和现行的多式联运业务特点,多式联运具备的条件是: ①货物在全程运输中无论使用多少种运输方式,作为全程运输的多式联运经营人必须与发货人订立多式联运合同,以确定他们之间的权利、义务、责任、豁免及运输性质。这是区别多式联运与一般货物运输方式的主要依据; ②多式联运经营人必须对全程运输负责; ③多式联运经营人接管的货物必须是国际间的货物运输; ④多式联运不仅仅是使用两种不同的运输方式,而且必须是该不同运输方式下的连续运输; ⑤货物全程运输由多式联运经营人签发一张多式联运单证且满足不同运输方式的需要,并按单一运费率计收全程运费。 此外,现行的国际公约对联运的条件作了不同的规定。 凡符合下列条件属“汉堡”规则下的货物联运: 1.两种运输方式之间,必须有一种是海运; 2.所订立的合同是国际间的货物运输。 凡符合下列条件属公路货运公约的货物联运: 1.运输合同中规定的接管、交付货物的地点位于两个不同的国家; 2.货物系由载货车辆运输。 凡符合下列条件属铁路货运公约下的货物联运: 1.运输方式之一为在公约所规定的铁路上运输; 2.另一运输方式为在公约所规定的公路或海上运输。 凡符合下列条件属华沙公约下的货物联运: 根据有关订立的运输合同,不论运输过程中有无中断或转运,其出发地和目的地是在两个缔约国或非缔约国的主权、宗主权、委托统治权或权力管辖下的领土内有一个约定的经停地点的任何运输。 作为订立多式联运合同的多式联运经营人,同时又作为某一运输区段的实际承运人时,首先应确定的是订立的运输合同是否属于现行货运公约所适用的范围。 请回答以下问题: 1.简述国际多式联运的必备条件。 2.简述国际多式联运在国际物流中的意义。