问题 单项选择题 B型题









解析:1.抗心律失常药Ⅲ类,即延长动作电位时程药,其代表药有胺碘酮等。 2.维拉帕米为钙通道阻滞药,即钙离子拮抗药。 3.可乐定的作用包括:①激动延脑孤束核α受体或延髓腹外侧嘴部的咪唑啉受体,降低外周交感张力;②激动外周交感神经突触前膜的α受体。 4.地高辛加强心肌收缩力(正性肌力作用),使心肌收缩时张力提高和心肌缩短速率提高。在加强心肌收缩力的同时,使心力衰竭患者的心排血量增加、心肌耗氧量减少,其主要适应证是慢性心功能不全。 5.氨力农是磷酸二酯酶抑制药(PDE-Ⅲ抑制药),具有明显增强心肌收缩力和舒张血管作用,可增加心排血量,减轻心脏负荷,降低心肌耗氧量,缓解慢性心功能不全症状。

     When I was walking down the street the other day, I happened to    1    a small brown leather purse lying
on the sidewalk. I picked it up and opened it to see if I could   2    the owner's name. There was nothing inside
it    3   some change and an old photo―a picture of a woman and a young girl of about twelve years, who
looked like the woman's daughter. I put the photo back and   4    the purse to the police station, where I    5   it
to the desk sergeant.    6   I left, the sergeant took down my name and address   7    the owner might want to
write and thank me.
     That evening I went to have dinner with my aunt and uncle. They   8    a young woman so that there would
be four people at the table. Her face was familiar. I was    9   sure that we had not met before, but I could
remember where I had seen her. In the course of conversation, however, the young woman happened to
mention that she had lost her purse that afternoon.   10    I realized where I had seen her. She was the young
girl in the photo, although she was now much older.
( )1. A. watch         
( )2. A. find         
( )3. A. besides        
( )4. A. took         
( )5. A. offered        
( )6. A. Before        
( )7. A. although      
( )8. A. have also invited
( )9. A. well         
( )10. A. All at once    
B. notice        
B. learn        
B. except       
B. brought       
B. passed       
B. When         
B. in case       
B. also had invited
B. much       
B. At once       
C. discover   
C. discover   
C. except for 
C. fetched   
C. handed    
C. While    
C. for fear   
C. also invited 
C. quite    
C. Immediately 
D. find out             
D. work out               
D. in addition to     
D. sent                 
D. returned             
D. As                   
D. so that              
D. had also invited     
D. very                   
D. All suddenly     