算法分析的目的是 ______。
解析:[评析] 算法分析是指对一个算法的运行时间和占用空间做定量的分析,一般计算出相应的数量级,常用时间复杂度和空间复杂度表示。分析算法的目的就是要降低算法的时间复杂度和空间复杂度,提高算法的执行效率。
算法分析的目的是 ______。
解析:[评析] 算法分析是指对一个算法的运行时间和占用空间做定量的分析,一般计算出相应的数量级,常用时间复杂度和空间复杂度表示。分析算法的目的就是要降低算法的时间复杂度和空间复杂度,提高算法的执行效率。
Kids have their own ideas about money---some are sensible and others are not so wise. Twelve-year-old Amanda thinks it’s to save and not blow your money right away “ so you can other things”. When it comes to credit cards, eight-year-old Jeremie says when the monthly comes in “ you sign it and then you give it back” ---leaving out the part about actually it. These kids are far away from the working world, but the ideas they’re forming about could affect how much they save, how they use credit cards and how much debt they finally take on in later life. High school business teacher Jeff Balch said his students had knowledge about money other than spending. “ They don’t know most things because talks to them about them---as in their parents,” said Balch, “The discussions tend to be in terms of kids too much money, but no one tells them why, where their money goes. Mitch Murphy said students’ message to the task force was to “ make it ”. “ It may be difficult to have a 14-or 15-year-old student get too about retirement planning, ” Murphy said, “ But if you want to talk about a cellphone contract or a debt card,they will be engaged in.” Murphy said learning financial literacy (能力) , well getting into the work force, should stay with Canadians for life and the country as a result. Sandra Martin said children can start learning about money when they learn to . “ Sit down with the flyers and look at how much things cost,” Martin said. Babysitting and birthday money could be and there would be a(n) as to how much could be debited(借) every month, she said. “ The reality is that we’re not spending with cash anymore. If you’re always in of your child’s money, then they’re never going to learn what it means to save for something that’s .” Balch said he tries to make his students realize the differences between needs, wants and priorities(优先权). If they haven’t learned self-control and if they haven’t learned how to money, they can easily spiral(螺旋上升) out of control.