问题 计算题






初始浓度/mol/L:   8          2           0

转化浓度/mol/L:  2x          x           2x  

平衡浓度/mol/L: 8—2x       2—x         2x 


K=×100%=25%      解得:x=1 mol·L-1




初始浓度/mol/L:   8          4           0

转化浓度/mol/L:  2y          y           2y  

平衡浓度/mol/L: 8—2y       4—y         2y 

依题意,可得:2y = 2.8mol/L

解得:y=1.4 mol/L




Talking behind someone’s back is considered to be rude and mean. Such a conversation can cover all kinds of criticism, from their looks to their work and personality.

The other day at lunch I was with a group of colleagues, and we were talking about our boss. She is the new headmaster of our middle school.

We talked about how kind she is to us. She handwrites notes to wish us happy holidays or to thank us for jobs well done. She checks on us when she knows we’re facing difficulties outside school with our health or with our families. We talked about the good role model that she is for the young women in our school and the fair but firm way she treats students and parents.

I thought about this after lunch. Sometimes we have the good fortune to be part of another kind of “talking behind someone’s back”. And too often when we say something good about someone behind their backs, they never know about it! That night, I sent her an email to report the conversation. She replied by saying how much she appreciated hearing about this, and how it made a bright spot in a tough week of testing.

Watch for your next opportunity to be the reporter! Make sure you tell them about the nice things said behind their backs! Because how will they know unless we tell them?

小题1:What do you conclude from the text the writer might be?

A.A student

B.A teacher

C.A parent

D.A boss小题2:What is the text mainly about?

A.Conversations about others

B.Rude and mean talking

C.Kinds of conversations

D.Talking behind someone’s back小题3:The author strongly agrees on _________.

A.Don’t talk behind others’ back

B.Talking behind others’ back is rude

C.Do tell the person about the nice things said behind his back

D.There is no one who never talks behind someone’s back
