PART FOUR WRITING SECTION A Directions: Read the following passage. Complete the diagram by using the information from the passage. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. As a parent you may realize the importance education has in our lives, however, your child hates listening to any of your arguments, thoughts and ideas. A student uninterested in education will miss college lectures and perform extremely poorly in assessment tests. In the worst cases, students may stop attending the school or college and sit at home without any concern for career, education and life. In order to encourage the students back to their college life and career, parents should first find out what causes the lack of motivation in students. Low self-respect in students forces them to give up challenges. Even if these students try and complete some tasks, they’re clouded by many negative thinking patterns that block the flow of confidence in their personalities. Lack of love at home can also result in the lack of motivation in students. If the parents are away from the kids or students and they’re unaware of what their kid is doing in school, then the child feels neglected and steps back from taking responsibilities and challenges. Constant poor performance lowers the self-confidence of the student and the student will feel lost in the crowd of brilliant students. Such academic pressures can make students lose their motivation. Nothing can be a better motivation for students than their teachers and parents. Schools should organize motivation activities for students, like games, sports and competitions, which are important for the whole personality development of the students. Involve them in some activities like dancing, music etc. that they are interested in, so that they can learn new hobbies and increase their confidence. You should stop ignoring your child’s studies and do understand his need to be heard. In short, lack of motivation in students can be completely reduced if the parents and teachers understand the kid and support him / her to break any of his / her negative patterns of thought. Title (71) ___________in Students
71. Lack of Motivation 72. low grades / marks 73. Causes / Reasons
74. confidence 75. responsibilities and challenges 76. Academic pressures
77. Solutions 78. develop 79. concerned 80. patterns of thought