问题 完形填空


Section D

Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions and complete the statements in the fewest possible words.

An addiction(瘾)is an activity or substance we are eager to experience repeatedly, and for which we are willing if necessary to pay a price. Common addictions involve alcohol, cigarettes, food, drugs, gambling, etc. This article discusses the concepts which can be helpful in coping with addictive behavior. 

Relatively minor addictions, such as watching too much television, or lying in bed on weekend mornings, are often not even considered addictions, because the price paid for engaging in them is not high. On the other hand, we tend to use the term “addict” to describe the person who, at least in the eyes of others, continues to be addicted in a behavior long after it has become clear that the substantial price being paid was not worth the benefit. The individual who has lost career, house, family and friends because of cocaine (可卡因) use, but is unwilling to consider stopping is an unfortunate example.

Negative addictions range from those with very minor negative consequences, to those as serious as the cocaine addict just mentioned, with much area in between. Although it is not necessarily true that a negative addiction grows stronger over time, yet a constant level of addictive behavior (e.g., overspending $ 200 a week ) can lead to an increasing level of negative consequences.

You may be surprised to learn that addictions can also be considered positive. Positive addictions are those in which the benefits outweigh the price. A common example would be the habit of regular exercise. The price of membership in a gym, the time involved and any clothing expense is outweighed by the benefits of better health, energy, self-confidence and appearance. As with negative addictions, positive addictions may not get stronger over time, and there is a broad range of how much benefit is actually obtained.

What is common to both positive and negative addictions is the urge to engage in the addictive behavior, and the satisfaction that is felt when the urge is acted upon. The urge is a state of tension and expectation that is experienced uncomfortably as a desire for the substance or activity. Because we experience relief when the urge is acted upon, there is an increased likelihood that we will act on the urge again.

81. What does the passage mainly talk about?


82.We use the term “addict” to describe a person when he or she goes on _______________even

though he or she knows it is not worthwhile.


83. Why is exercising in the gym considered to be a positive addiction?


84. How do people feel when the urge is acted on?


(Note: Answer the questions and complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)


80. The concepts to deal with addiction behavior.

81. being addicted in a behavior for a long time

82. Because of its benefits outweigh the price/ Because of better health, energy, self-confidence and appearance / Because it leads to better health, energy, self-confidence and appearance

84. Relieved/ Satisfied/ Comfortable/ Happy.


潘其风先生日前曾对这具骸骨的年龄进行了初步判定,认为在35岁至45岁之间。于是有人称这具 1.61米的骸骨很可能是燕刺王刘旦,理由是“这跟刘旦被赐死时年纪相当”;并且,刘旦因谋反被赐死,谥号“刺王”,他的陵墓也被称之为“戾陵”,“刺”和“戾”这两个字都有贬义。《水经注》中有记载,燕刺王刘旦的戾陵在梁山;经考证,专家学者一般认为梁山就是今天老山所属的石景山。此说一出,立即有人惊呼:如果这骸骨真的是刘旦,抑或墓主人是刘旦,老山汉墓都将是“惊世大发现”——不但附近还应有后妃二十余人的墓,而且很可能墓中会出土大量经书杂说、星历数术一类的先秦西汉古籍。据《汉书·武五子传》记载,刘旦死后,“后夫人随旦自杀者二十余人”,而且刘旦“为人博学经书杂说,好星历数术倡优射猎之事”。不过,不止一位专家并不认同,他们指出,刘旦十几岁被封为燕王,从武帝元狩六年至昭帝元风元年,在位共38年之久,他死时年龄应该在50岁左右,那具“年龄初步判定为35岁至45岁”的骸骨应不是刘旦的。中国历史博物馆学术委员会主任余伟超先生明确表示:“这种可能几乎没有。”余老对出土的镀金动物花纹的漆器分析指出,这不是镀金,而是西汉晚期才有的“金银平脱”技术,这项技术在汉武帝、汉昭帝时还没有出现,因此说老山汉墓可能和刘旦毫无关系。徐苹芳先生也从老山汉墓的位置和地形对刘旦说提出了质疑。他说,谜底揭开只能等到最后。墓中有文字、印章最好,没有文字印章,通过其他器物如钱币也可以判断出墓的年代,但墓主的身份就只能推测了。就连大葆台是刘建之墓不也是推测的吗




