
周恩来 * * 曾说过,新民主主义革命的历史,就是从 * * 到 * * 。根据图文信息,回答问题。      


图①五四运动   图②嘉兴南湖图   ③井冈山图  ④南昌起义  图⑤遵义



(2)图②反映了中 * * 党的什么会议?有什么意义?






(5)图⑤中 * * 党在长征途中召开了遵义会议,有什么意义?列举一例长征途中红军的英雄壮举。长征中红军三大主力会师地点是哪里?




(2)中 * * 党一大。意义:中 * * 党的成立是中国历史上开天辟地的大事,自从有了中 * * 党,中国革命的面貌就焕然一新了。

(3)打响了武装反抗国民党反动派的第一枪,是中 * * 党独立领导革命军队进行武装斗争的开始,是创建人民军队的开端。

(4)毛 * * ,中 * * 党开辟的第一个农村革命根据地。

(5)遵义会议结束了左倾冒险主义在党中央的统治,确立了毛 * * 在党和红军的领导地位,遵义会议挽救了党,挽救了红军,挽救了革命。是党的历史上生死敛关的转折点。

     Once my father and I went to see a circus (马戏团). A family was standing in front of us  1  for tickets.
     The family had eight children. Their clothes were not  2  but they were clean. They were talking about
the clowns (小丑) and elephants excitedly.
     "I want  3  tickets, eight for children and two for adults (成人)." said the father to the ticket lady.
     The ticket lady told him the  4 . When he heard that, the man couldn't believe his  5 . He asked again,
"How much?"
     The ticket lady spoke again. The father looked sad. Clearly, he didn't have  6  money.
     My dad took a $20 bill and dropped it on the ground. Then he  7  the bill, and said to the man, "Sir,
this fell out of your pocket."
     The man knew what was  8  on. He looked into my dad's eyes and took the  9  ."Thank you, thank
you, sir. This  10  means a lot to me and my family."
     We didn't go to the circus that night, but we didn't feel sorry for it at all.
( )1. A. waiting 
( )2. A. common  
( )3. A. ticket  
( )4. A. ticket  
( )5. A. eyes   
( )6. A. spare  
( )7. A. picked up
( )8. A. walking 
( )9. A. book   
( )10. A. hardly 
B. looking 
B. cheap  
B. ten   
B. number  
B. ears   
B. any   
B. took away
B. going  
B. pocket  
B. nearly  
C. working 
C. old   
C. two   
C. price  
C. nose   
C. little  
C. put down 
C. looking 
C. bill   
C. only   
D. preparing
D. expensive
D. five     
D. time     
D. head     
D. enough                    
D. looked up
D. holding  
D. bag      
D. really   