问题 问答题

材料5中提到了腐败问题,围绕这一问题下面列出了A—E五项对策,其中不正确的是哪几项请写出这几项的序号,并分别说明为什么不正确。说明的字数在200字左右。 A.积极探索,通过深化改革,从源头上解决腐败问题。对一些腐败易发多发领域和环节,组织各方面的力量,开展专题调研,提出治本对策建议。 B.加强预防腐败的政策研究,不断创新和完善预防腐败的各项制度,着力推动制度的落实,逐步实现预防腐败工作的规范化和法制化。 C.加快构建 * * 工作新格局,坚持以预防为主,惩治为辅,主要立足于建立健全有效预防腐败的体系。 D.在防治腐败体系中,教育、制度、监督三个环节互相联系,但又各有侧重,不可替代,一个环节都不能少。因此,无论在惩治领域还是预防领域都必须坚持教育、制度、监督并重。 E.在 * * 机构的设置及运作上,从横向和纵向两个维度上划分 * * 败机构,每个维度下面再尽量细化,形成多方面的权责明确的系统和部门,全面地对腐败行为进行监督和查处。



解析:C、E两项不正确。 C项:防治腐败体系建设中的惩和防同等重要,应坚持两手抓,两手硬,二者共同作用。既要立足于建立健全有效惩治腐败的体系,同时又要立足于建立健全有效预防腐败的体系,不可偏废。 E项:目前 * * 败体制最主要的问题就是“条块分割”:横向上有多个机构,隶属不同系统;纵向上分为多个层级,隶属各级政府,使 * * 败的权威和人力资源都过度分散,难以发挥合力作用。应当从横向和纵向上彻底整合 * * 败机构,坚持党委统一领导、部门各负其责的领导和工作机制。

A. It can protect your brain from being hurt in a bike accident
B. Go for bike rides with your kids so you can show them what safe riding looks like
C. Never wear ear-phones while biking
D. You have to choose good shoes  
E. Check your child's bike to keep it safe and in good condition
     Bike Safety
     Bike riding is a great way to get exercise and fresh air and share time as a family. But before your kids
rush out and start biking, there's an important thing you need to consider -safety.
     Helmet (头盔)Basics
    Always wear a helmet when riding a bike, no matter where you are or how short the ride is. 1.  ___.
Here's why: Many bike accidents mean brain damage or death for someone who does not wear one
while riding. To protect against brain injury, make sure your kids wear a correctly fitting helmet on every
     Safe Clothing
     What kids wear when riding a bike is also very important for safety. Bright-colored clothes will help
kids be visible on the road. Besides, 2.  ____. Kids should never ride barefoot(赤脚)!
     Rules of the Road for Bike Riding
     Here are some must-know safety tips to teach kids:
     Stop at all stop signs and obey traffic lights just as cars do.
     Always stop and check for traffic in both directions when leaving a driveway. 
     3. ____. It's important to hear everyone else on the road.
     Making Safety a Family Activity
     One of the best ways to help kids learn safe bike riding is to set a good example by following the
rules of the road yourself. 4. ______. It's also a great way to stay active as a family and spend valuable
time with your kids!