问题 阅读理解与欣赏


[甲] 自三峡七百里中,两岸连山,略无阙处;重岩叠嶂,隐天蔽日,自非亭午夜分,不见曦月。至于夏水襄陵,沿溯阻绝。或王命急宣,有时朝发白帝,暮到江陵,其间千二百里,虽乘奔御风,不以疾也。春冬之时,则素湍绿潭,回清倒影。绝巘多生怪柏,悬泉瀑布,飞漱其间。清荣峻茂,良多趣味。 (节选自郦道元《三峡》)

[乙] 二十三日,过巫山凝真观,谒妙用真人祠①。真人即世所谓巫山神女也。祠正对巫山,峰峦上入霄汉,山脚直插江中。议者谓太、华、衡、庐②皆无此奇。然十二峰者不可悉见。所见八九峰,惟神女峰最为纤丽奇峭。……是日,天宇晴霁,四顾无纤翳③,惟神女峰上有白云数片,如鸾鹤翔舞徘徊,久之不散,亦可异也。(节选自陆游《入蜀记》)

[注释] ①祠;供奉祖宗、鬼神或先贤的处所。②太、华、衡、庐:泰山、华山、衡山、庐山。③翳:遮盖,这里指云。


①沿溯阻             ②王命急宣                  

③不以也             ④然十二峰者不可见。         






小题3:[甲] [乙]两文都写到“山”,两文段所写的“山”各有着怎样的特点?(2分)



小题1:.①绝:断   ② 或: 有时 ③ 疾:快    ④悉:全,都  (4分)




小题1:题目分析:“绝 疾”根据语境即可推断出来。“悉”是文言文中意思固定的字。“或”是文言文中的多义字。


小题2:题目分析:翻译时要注意,关键词语的意思必须要落实。此句中的关键词有“清荣峻茂”“ 谓”等。“清荣峻茂”一个字一个意思,即“水清、树荣、山高、草茂”,“谓”译为“说”。把各个词语的意思连缀起来,语意通顺即可。





Arsenic, a naturally occurring poison and carcinogen found in ground water, is ply linked to adult-onset diabetes, U. S. researchers said on Tuesday. Odorless, tasteless, colorless and easily soluble in water or wine, arsenic has long been a feared poison. A heavy dose is detectable in a corpse, but researchers say small amounts of arsenic may sicken people gradually.

Dr. Ana Navas-Aeien and colleagues at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore found a " relatively p " association between commonly found levels of arsenic in urine and type 2 diabetes in a study of American adults. " It seems there is maybe no safe level of arsenic. " Navas-Acien said in a telephone interview. " Worldwide it’s a huge problem, " she said. " As water becomes a scarce resource. the situation becomes even more serious. "

Arsenic raises the risk for cancers of the bladder, lung, kidney, skin and, possibly, the pros tate, Navas-Acien said. The 20 percent of nearly 800 study participants who had the most arsenic in their bodies, a tolerable 16. 5 micrograms per liter of urine, had 3. 6 times the risk of developing late-onset diabetes than those in the bottom 20 percent, who had 3 micrograms per liter. Levels of arsenic were 26 percent higher in people with late-onset, or type 2, diabetes than those without the disease, the study found.

The U. S. government sets a limit for drinking water at 10 micrograms of arsenic per liter, which is exceeded in the water consumed by 13 million Americans who mostly live in rural areas that rely on wells to bring up ground water, the researchers wrote in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Arsenic contaminates drinking water for millions of people in Bangladesh, parts of Central Europe, Chile, Argentina and the western United States, where ground water is the source of drinking water and the land has higher concentrations of arsenic.

Overall, 7. 8 percent of Americans are believed to have diabetes, although some do not know it. At least 90 percent of cases are the type 2 variety, in which the body loses its ability to use insulin properly. Navas-Acien said arsenic may play a significant role in diabetes incidence, but it is difficult to say how much. Arsenic can accumulate in the body, and can ruin the body’s ability to use insulin and perform the vital task of converting blood sugar into energy. Normally, insulin fits into cells via molecular doorways called receptors, which in turn signal the cell to move glucose inside, but arsenic enters the cell and somehow blocks the activity. Seafood is another source of arsenic, but the organic form found in shellfish and some fish has a carbon molecule attached and poses no risk to health, she said.

From the passage, we know that arsenic is a bigger threat for people who()

A. use ground water as the source of drinking water

B. drink contaminated water a lot

C. are from European countries

D. live in urban areas