问题 阅读理解


In the north of Scotland there is a lake called Loch Ness. It is the biggest lake in Britain. It is over thirty kilometres long and in places nearly 300 meters deep. It is cold and dark and not many people went there until after 1930. Then a road was made around the lake. Holiday makers began to use the road, and this was when the stories began.

Someone said that he had seen a monster in the lake. He said it was twelve meters long. It had a long neck and a small head. Then someone else said he had seen it. Others said the same thing and in 1933 a London doctor took a photo. It looked like a monster with a long neck and a thick body but the photo was not dear. The newspapers printed the picture and called it the Loch Ness monster, or "Nessie".

Then the argument began. Some people, however, were certain there was something living in the lake. Others said there was nothing there.

In 1961, a lot of people joined together to make a real effort to see and photograph the monster if there was one! Several times people thought they saw something but after ten years there was still no real proof.

Later underwater television cameras were used, but no one found any real proof. However, they did find something interesting: a huge underwater cave. It was big enough to be home of a monster, but of course, this was not a proof.

In 1975, however, some American scientists formed a search group. They used an underwater camera. It took pictures every seventy seconds. Some of the pictures seemed to show a red-brown creature. Its body was about four meters long and had a very ugly head on the end of a four meter neck. Many people then began to believe in the monster. But even today we can not be certain.

63. Before 1930, ____.

A. few people went to Loch Ness Lake

B. many people had been there

C. nobody went to the lake

D. nobody knew about the lake

64. What did the monster look like?

A. It looked like a horse.

B. It was a creature with a long neck and a small head.

C. It looked beautiful.

D. It was tiny and pretty.

65. Who first took a photo of the monster?

A. An American

B. A television camera

C. A holiday-maker

D. A doctor from London

66. A search group formed by some American scientists.

A. found the monster itself

B. found a huge cave under water

C. believed that there wasn't any monster at all

D. took some pictures which seemed to show a monster







阅读《毛 * * 的少年时代》选段,完成1~7题。

  那年发生了严重的饥荒,长沙有成千上万的人饿饭。饥民派了一个代表团到抚台衙门请求救济。但抚台傲慢地回答他们说:“为什么你们没有饭吃?城里有的是。我就总是吃得饱饱的。”抚台的答复一传到人们的耳朵里,大家都非常愤怒。他们举行了群众大会,并且组织了一次游行示威。他们攻打清朝衙门,砍断了作为官府标志的旗杆,赶走了抚台。这以后,一个姓庄的布政使骑马出来,晓谕百姓,说官府要采取措施帮助他们。这个姓庄的说话显然是有诚意的,可是皇上不喜欢他, 责他同“暴民”勾结。结果他被革职,接着来了一个新抚台,马上下令逮捕闹事的领袖,其中许多人被斩首示众,他们的头挂在旗杆上,作为对今后的“叛逆”的警告。

  这件事在我们学堂里讨论了许多天,给我留下了深刻的印象。大多数学生都同情“造反的”,但他们仅仅是从旁观者的立场出发。他们并不懂得这同他们自己的生活有什么关系。他们单纯地把它看作一件耸听的事而感兴趣。我却始终忘不掉这件事。 我觉得“造反的”人也是些像我自己家里人那样的老百姓,对于他们受到冤屈,我深感不平。


  《毛 * * 的少年时代》节选自_______,作者是_______,_______国_________、___________家。


傲慢______         叛逆_____         勾结_____  

冤屈______         救济______        愤怒_____ 



4、少年毛 * * 对“造反”一事是怎样看的?大多数同学是怎样看的?


5、从少年毛 * * 对“造反”一事的态度上,可见他少时便具有怎样的精神?


6、对于文章的分析,下列不恰当的一项是(   )

A、“父亲喜欢责备我不孝和懒惰。我就引用经书上长者必须仁慈的话来回敬。”由这句话确实看出少年毛 * * 的不孝,不知道尊敬长辈。

B、毛 * * 的语言幽默形象,在本文中表现尤为突出。如“我家分成两‘党’。一党是我父亲,是执政党。反对党由我、母亲、弟弟组成,有时连雇工也包括在内。”

C、我觉得“造反的”人也是些像我自己家里人那样的老百姓,对于他们受到冤屈,我深感不平。这句话中“造反的”加引号,表明是当时政府对他们的称呼,也表示对这样称呼的否定。同时,由这句话可以看出少年毛 * * 不仅善于读书,而且关心社会、善于思考而且有自己独到的见解。


7、正是由于少年毛 * * 立大志,苦修身,才为其投身革命奠定了坚实基础,使其在诸多方面取得了巨大成就,现就你了解的毛 * * 在后来所取得的成就作简要叙述,并谈一谈你的感受。


问答题 案例分析题




材料二今之满洲,本塞外东胡。昔在明朝,屡为边患。后乘中国多事,长驱入关,灭我中国,据我政府,迫我汉人为其奴隶,有不从者,杀戮亿万。我汉人为亡国之民者二百六十年于斯。满政府穷凶极恶,今已贯盈。义师所指,覆彼政府,还我主权。……今者由平民革命以建国民政府,凡为国民皆平等以有参 * * 。大总统由国民共举。议会以国民公举之议员构成之,制定中华民国宪法,人人共守。敢有帝制自为者,天下共击之!




