问题 阅读理解

Alex knew colors and shapes.He learned about 150 English words.With his language ability he made himself known as perhaps the world’s most famous talking bird.

But Alex,a parrot,died two weeks ago when he was 31.Irene,a psychologist(心理学家) at Harvard University,studied and worked with the parrot for nearly 30 years.

In 1977,Irene,then an excellent student in chemistry at Harvard,bought Alex from a pet store.At that time,scientists were not quite sure whether birds could learn to communicate with humans.

But using the methods of teaching.Irene helped Alex to learn about 150 words,and to count small numbers,as well as colors and shapes.

In experiments,Irene would give Alex a small reward,like a grape.Alex learned to ask for the grape by watching what the trainer was doing to get it.The researchers then worked with the bird to help him with pronunciation.

Alex showed a surprising ability to learn.For example,when he was shown a blue paper circle.he could tell what color the paper was.what shape it was,and after touching it,what it was made of.

Like other parrots,he also picked up some words when staying in the lab,like“calm down”and“good morning”.He could also show his happiness and sadness.

Even before the week he died,Alex was working with Irene on difficult words.As she put him into his cage for the night that Thursday,Irene said that Alex looked at her and said,“You be good.See you tomorrow.I love you.”

He was found dead in his cage the next morning.

1.Alex is the name of ________.

A.an excellent student        B.a clever bird

C.a trainer                 D.a psychologist

2.How did Irene get the parrot?

A.A friend gave it to her.       B.She caught it in a forest.

C.She bought it from the market. D.The passage doesn’t mention it.

3.The underlined words“picked up”in the seventh paragraph mean ________.

A.捡到    B.挑选    C.举起    D.学到

4.The passage is probably taken from a ________.

A.history textbook    B. novel    C.newspaper      D. dictionary








材料一   真正属于“家天下”的事例,主要有两项:一为“皇位世袭制”;二为“皇族特权制”。



材料二   说此制(三公九卿制)中有“公天下”的因素,有如下几方面:


(2)皇权的制衡制度……主要制衡方式有三种:一为太傅制度;二为廷议;三为法律……廷议也叫做朝议、朝会和大议等,是皇帝与大臣们在朝堂上定期集会议事的一种形式。所议有政治、经济、民族、文化、救灾、战争等等,参加廷议的官吏有文有武,职位自丞相、太尉、御史大夫、诸侯王、众卿、 * * ,下至大夫、博士、令长等……


材料三   秦汉至明清时期的地方行政管理制度是郡县制,大小官吏都是来自地主阶级和庶人,这与西周时期的宗法贵族世袭分封制度有根本的不同……柳宗元对于这一变化(郡县制代替分封制)十分看重,给予了极高的评价。他在《封建论》一文中说:两汉“有叛国而无叛郡”,唐朝“有叛将而无叛州”,证明了郡县制是一种好的制度。




