问题 完形填空



A while ago,I didn’t think I had a passion.1 would sit in front of the TV all day and not think about anything except the next  36   .At that time,I didn’t know how   37   it was to have a passion in our life.

The first   38   I thought about this was in the seventh grade when 1 went to school with my mom.As we stopped at a red light,someone   39   my eyes.It was a man dressed in old   40  standing on the other side of the    41   .This homeless man was not sitting down with a sad and hopeless   42  .He was standing,waving his hands and dancing.He looked happy and held a radio as if it was the most   43   thing he had.

Seeing all this   44    me.“Morn,why does that man have a radio even though he’s homeless?”I asked.

“He bought it,”she replied.1 was still   45   .

“But if he’s homeless,why doesn’t he use his money to buy clothes?He  46  his money on something he doesn’t need.He should buy food.”

“Well,Sarah,sometimes food isn’t the most important thing.   47   can be food for the

48   .Food and clothes aren’t the only things we need.People need happiness to stay  49   ,too.”

I wasn’t sure whether I  50  my mother’s words.Maybe my mom was right.If one lives in sadness,there’s  51   to keep him moving from day to day.

Now I  52   that I’ve had passions all along,but never recognized their importance in my life.They were invisible(无形的)hopes that I   53   without knowing them.What’s often forgotten is that we all need a  54   ,a light on a   55   day.We all need a passion.

36.A.display                   B.show                      C.exhibition        D.show off

37.A.efficient                 B.effective                 C.important         D.valuable

38.A.moment                  B.period                    C.date                        D.time

39.A.caught                    B.seized                     C.held                       D.held on to

40.A.cloths                     B.clothes                    C.clothing                  D.coat

41.A.way                       B.passage                   C.road                       D.express way

42.A.expression              B.looks                      C.face                        D.eyes

43.A.invaluable        B.expensive                C.precious                  D.worthless

44.A.shocked                  B.astounded        C.astonishing              D.surprised

45.A.puzzled                  B.wondered                C.confused                 D.amazed

46.A.spent               B.wasted                    C.took                       D.cost

47.A.Passion                 B.Music                     C.Love                      D.Happiness

48.A.soul                       B.mind                      C.heart               D.brain

49.A.1ive                       B.living                        C.alive                       D.1ively

50.A.understood             B.agreed                    C.see                         D.have gotten

5 1.A.none                     B.nothing                   C.no one                    D.anything

52.A.find out                  B.know about             C.come true        D.realize

53.A.depended         B.relied on                 C.relied                     D.1ay in

54.A.pleasure                 B.fun                         C.joy                         D.enjoy

55.A.darkness                 B.dusk                       C.dim                        D.dark


36.B     37.C     38.D     3 9.A    40.B

41.C     42.A     43.C     44.D     45.A     46.B     47.A     48.A     49.C     50.B

51.A     52.D     53.B     54.C     55.D    

单项选择题 案例分析题

一般资料:求助者,女性,16岁,初中学生,因为各科成绩不好前来做心理咨询。 以下是心理咨询师和求助者的一段对话: 心理咨询师:你好,有什么需要帮助的吗? 求助者:最近三个多月我一直心情不好。整日坐卧不安,有时心慌,浑身冒汗,甚至喘不上气。我觉得自己得了什么大病,但是去医院检查,医生说我什么病也没有。说是我心理有问题,我就来看心理医生了。 心理咨询师:你能详细地谈一下事情的原因么? 求助者:我总是想学习成绩优秀,所以每天都会努力地学习,上课认真听讲,回家也好好地复习,但是学习成绩一直也没有上来。爸爸和妈妈还整天说我学习不努力,天天就知道玩,有时候我心情不好的时候就和他们吵,吵完了自己也后悔,让我很烦躁,总觉得上天不公平,给我一个这么笨的脑子。眼看就要中考了,如果考不上高中怎么办,现在我很烦躁,总是想发脾气。你帮帮我吧!、 心理咨询师:你的心情我可以理解,也为你的情况感到着急。我也不聪明,在上学的时候成绩也不好,但是我一直坚持不懈,最终还是考上了大学。无论什么事情都要一直坚持不懈。你这样着急是解决不了问题的,那么你能说一下你最想解决什么问题吗?我们来详细地讨论一下。 求助者:我最想解决我的学习问题,我不想这么烦躁。 心理咨询师:那么我们现在就针对你想要解决的问题制定一份方案吧!咨询方案就是咨询的计划,包括咨询目标,实现咨询目标所用的心理学方法或技术的原理、过程,评估的手段,时间和次数的安排。





