问题 选择题

用木材做木桩时,常把埋入地下的部分烧焦,目的是(  )







                                  The Bilbies
               An Exciting New Musical Comedy for children.
                          Wilby and Silby bilby
                        Gaza Galah Bettina Bunny
                       Family Fun at good prices!
                  Child: $10 Adults: $14 Family: $38 (4 people)
                 Special Discounts for Group of 10 or more
                           Opening January 1996
                             Pilgrim Theatre City
                262 Pitt St City (1 minute walk from Town Hall Station)
             2nd to 21st January Tuesday to Sunday 10:00 a.m. & 2:30 p.m.
                   Parramatta Town Hall
                One Day only. Tuesday, 23rd January
                10: 00 a.m. 11: 00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. & 2:30 p.m.
1. If a group of twelve children went to see The Bilbies, they would ________.
A. have special seats
B. spend less money
C. be asked to buy family tickets
D. have to buy the tickets on Tuesday
2. The poster tells us at the Pilgrim Theatre there were at least ________.
A. 2 performances
B. 19 performances
C. 21 performances
D. 34 performances
3.  According to the poster, which of the following is true?
A. At Parramatta Town Hall there were 2 performances.
B. Parramatta Town Hall is one minute walk from Town Hall Station.
C. The audience most likely to enjoy the show, The Bilbies, would be children.
D. A family of five would have to pay 38 dollars to see The Bilbies.